首页 > 解决方案 > 获取 JSON 时呈现多个 TextInput - React Native


是否可以使用 React-Native 从 API 呈现多个 TextInput?我正在开发一个从 API 获取 JSON 并首先使用 FlatList 显示项目列表(仅标题)的项目,然后单击其中一个并导航到显示该选定项目详细信息的下一页。但是,API 中会不断添加新文档,其中包含不同数量的 TextInput,有些可能有 3 个,有些可能有 2 个,依此类推。文档还包含标题、文本、图像,但它们的数量总是相同的 1。

我从 API 获取的 JSON 文件:


        "title":"Contract test",
        "content":"You can always follow the progress of your application 
  by logging on the the application portal."

    "fillable_fields": {
        "FIELD_NAME_1": "FIELD_VALUE_1",
        "FIELD_NAME_2": "FIELD_VALUE_2",



class DetailScreen extends React.Component {
    static navigationOptions = {
      title: 'Content of selected'

    render() {
      const source = this.props.navigation.state.params.source;
      const item = this.props.navigation.state.params.item;
      let contract = "";
      let img = "";
      let inp = "";
      let content ="";

      if (item != null) {
        contractTitle = item.contract.title;
        img = item.picture.medium;
        content = item.contract.content;
        inp = item.fillable_fields

      return (   
        <View style={styles.container}>
          <Text style={styles.text}>{contractTitle} </Text>
            style={{width: 300, height: 128}}
            source={{uri: img}}

          <Text  style={styles.text} > {content} </Text>
            <TextInput style={{textAlign: 'center', borderWidth: 1, marginBottom: 7, height: 50}}>

          <Button title="Go back to the list" onPress={this._goHome}/>

标签: jsonreact-nativefetchtextinputreact-native-flatlist



renderInputFields = () => {
    let inputFieldsList = [];
    let arrayFromJson = //extract here your input fields array from JSON
    arrayFromJson.map((inputFieldItem) => {
             <TextInput style={{textAlign: 'center', borderWidth: 1, marginBottom: 7, height: 50}}>
                 {inputFieldItem.text} //.text is example. you should use here what property you need

    return inputFieldsList;


