首页 > 解决方案 > One-line output operator for a binary tree


I wrote a simple binary tree class in C++ and want to add an output operator to it. My first attempt was:

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Tree& tree) {
    out << tree.myData;
    if (tree.myLeft)
        out << "(" << (*tree.myLeft)  << ")";
    if (tree.myRight)
        out << "[" << (*tree.myRight)  << "]";
    return out;

(where myLeft and myRight are pointers to left and right child of the current tree, respectively). This works correctly, however, it is not sufficiently cool, since it spans several lines and requires to write "out << " several times.

As an attempt to create a one-line operator, I wrote this:

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Tree& tree) {
    return (out << tree.myData
        << "(" << (tree.myLeft? *tree.myLeft: "")  << ")"
        << "[" << (tree.myRight? *tree.myRight: "") << "]");

But, this generates an error:

incompatible operand types ('Tree' and 'const char [1]')

So I tried this:

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Tree& tree) {
    return (&tree?
        out << tree.myData
            << "(" << *(tree.myLeft)  << ")"
            << "[" << *(tree.myRight) << "]":

This works on my computer, but generates a warning implying that this is undefined behavior:

Reference cannot be bound to dereferenced null pointer in well-defined C++ code; pointer may be assumed to always convert to true [-Wundefined-bool-conversion]

QUESTION: Is there a way to write this output operator in a simple single statement?

标签: c++outputbinary-tree




ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Tree& tree) {
    if (&tree == &Tree::NULL_TREE_SENTINEL) return out;
    return out << tree.myData
        << "(" << *tree.myLeft  << ")"
        << "[" << *tree.myRight << "]";





似乎有效,但实际上并没有。我不知道在什么情况下该代码实际上会做一些讨厌的事情。但为了清楚起见,由于子表达式*(tree.myLeft)*(tree.myRight): 这些表达式正在取消引用空指针,您的代码是非法的,这绝不是合法的。您收到的有关&tree测试的警告消息只是先前错误的症状
