首页 > 解决方案 > 无法将 JS 注入 Swift/Cocoa/NextStep 中的 WKWebView / 将 WKWebView 中网页上的用户选择推送到 Swift / Cocoa


我正在使用需要使用 WKUserScript 功能将消息从网页发送回 MacOS 应用程序的 MacOS 应用程序。我正在使用文章https://medium.com/capital-one-tech/javascript-manipulation-on-ios-using-webkit-2b1115e7e405,它显示了它在 iOS 中的工作并且工作得很好。

然而,我已经苦苦挣扎了几个星期,试图让它在我的 MacOS 中工作。这是我的代码示例,该代码可以正常运行并运行但未成功打印在处理程序 userContentController() 中找到的消息

import Cocoa
import WebKit

class ViewController: NSViewController, WKNavigationDelegate {

    @IBOutlet weak var webView: WKWebView!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        let userContentController = WKUserContentController()

        // Add script message handlers that, when run, will make the function
        // window.webkit.messageHandlers.test.postMessage() available in all frames.

        userContentController.add(self, name: "test")

        // Inject JavaScript into the webpage. You can specify when your script will be injected and for
        // which frames–all frames or the main frame only.
        let scriptSource = "window.webkit.messageHandlers.test.postMessage(`Hello, world!`);"
        let userScript = WKUserScript(source: scriptSource, injectionTime: .atDocumentEnd, forMainFrameOnly: true)

     //   let config = WKWebViewConfiguration()
     //   config.userContentController = userContentController
     //   let webView = WKWebView(frame: .zero, configuration: config)

        webView.navigationDelegate = self
        webView.configuration.userContentController = userContentController

        // Make sure in Info.plist you set `NSAllowsArbitraryLoads` to `YES` to load
        // URLs with an HTTP connection. You can run a local server easily with services
        // such as MAMP.

        let htmlStr = "<html><body>Hello world - nojs</body></html>"
        webView.loadHTMLString(htmlStr, baseURL: nil)


extension ViewController: WKScriptMessageHandler {
    // Capture postMessage() calls inside loaded JavaScript from the webpage. Note that a Boolean
    // will be parsed as a 0 for false and 1 for true in the message's body. See WebKit documentation:
    // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/wkscriptmessage/1417901-body.
    func userContentController(_ userContentController: WKUserContentController, didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) {
        if let messageBody = message.body as? String {

另一个奇怪的事情是,我似乎无法创建一个简单的 WKWebView 应用程序来加载页面并显示它。这些都只是简单的测试,我的主应用程序能够很好地加载/显示网页,使用 AlamoFire/loadHTMLString() 来显示页面,我只是无法注入所需的 JS。

我在转换中所做的一切都非常简单,除了分配 userContentController 外,几乎不需要更改或不需要更改 - 所以也许这就是问题所在?这个例子在 iOS 中工作得很好,他的原始样本作为原型。 https://github.com/rckim77/WKWebViewDemoApp/blob/master/WKWebViewDemoApp/ViewController.swift


标签: swiftcocoawebkit


以下是我在 Mac 上设置 WebView 的方法 试试这样

import Cocoa
import WebKit

class ViewController: NSViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var webView: WKWebView!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        let javascript = """
           function printStatement() {
                try {               
                     .callbackHandler.postMessage({'payload': 'Hello World!'})
                } catch(err) {
                    console.log('The native context does yet exist')

        let script = WKUserScript(
            source: javascript,
            injectionTime: WKUserScriptInjectionTime.atDocumentEnd,
            forMainFrameOnly: true

            name: "callbackHandler"

        webView.navigationDelegate = self

        let html = """
            <div onClick='javascript:printStatement()'>Print Statement</div>

        webView.loadHTMLString(html, nil)


extension ViewController: WKScriptMessageHandler {
    func userContentController(_ userContentController: WKUserContentController, didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) {

        if(message.name == "callbackHandler") {
            guard let body = message.body as? [String: Any] else {
                print("could not convert message body to dictionary: \(message.body)")

            guard let payload = body["payload"] as? String else {
                print("Could not locate payload param in callback request")



