首页 > 解决方案 > 如何正确地将日期转换为字符串并以 symfony 形式返回,以便可以使用日期选择器


在我的 Symfony 4 应用程序中,我有一个包含日期类型字段的实体。默认情况下,Symfony 将其显示为一组用于月、日、年的选择框。我已将其更改为文本小部件,以便可以使用 jQuery UI 日期选择器。



 * @ORM\Column(type="date")
private $start_date;


$builder->add('start_date', DateType::class, [
                'widget' => 'single_text',

                // prevents rendering it as type="date", to avoid HTML5 date pickers
                'html5' => false,

                // adds a class that can be selected in JavaScript
                'attr' => ['class' => 'js-datepicker'],

在我的页面上使用 jquery 和 jqueryui,这允许显示日期选择器。


->addModelTransformer(new CallbackTransformer(
    function ( $dateAsString ) {
        return new \DateTime('2019-01-01');
    function ( $dateAsDate ) {
        return '2019-01-01';



标签: symfonysymfony-forms


I invite you to check out the documentation of DateType. You will find out that you can store your date in variety of formats depending on input option :

  • string (e.g. 2011-06-05)
  • datetime (a DateTime object)
  • datetime_immutable (a DateTimeImmutable object)
  • array (e.g. ['year' => 2011, 'month' => 06, 'day' => 05])
  • timestamp (e.g. 1307232000)

This is an underlying model value in your entity. In your example you must chose datetime which is the default.

You made a right choise for widget option - single_text. Don't forget to set a right format. This is view value.

In your case you don't need to write your own data transformer. Symfony will take care of transforming your model value in view value and vice versa. It makes it using via normalised value:

`model data`(string, datetime, timestamp, etc.) -> `norm data` (`DateTime`) -> `view data` (string for widget=single_text, array for widget=choice)


`view data` (string for widget=single_text, array for widget=choice) -> `norm data` (`DateTime`) -> `model data`(string, datetime, timestamp, etc.)

While the formats of view data and model data vary, the format of norm data is always the same - DateTime. The model transformer you added returned string to be set to normalized data. That's why you got an error.
