首页 > 解决方案 > TestRail 与 XCUITest 的集成


@Dimu4 如果您可以添加有关集成的更多详细信息,我将不胜感激。我正在尝试对 XCUITest 做同样的事情,我正在尝试与 Bots 集成,以便每次测试运行时我都会将测试结果发送到 TestRail。


如何将测试用例 ID 添加到 XCUITest 中的每个 func testxyz() 中,这类似于 TestRail 中的测试用例编号。如何生成预构建脚本来创建 TestRail 测试运行?如何在我的 XCUITest 中链接测试运行编号和每个测试用例 id?我将非常感谢您的帮助。

标签: swiftxcuitesttestrail


You might have to write a test rail client which talks to test rail inside your swift code. In your TestBase's tearDown method, you could invoke a method which would report to TestRail.

Refer here for test rail API V2 documentation : http://docs.gurock.com/testrail-api2/start

Refer to this page on how to report your test result to Testrail http://docs.gurock.com/testrail-api2/reference-results

Refer to this page on how to create a test run : http://docs.gurock.com/testrail-api2/reference-runs
