首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么我的 JavaScript 代码算术方程出现 NaN 错误



我正在尝试为一项任务创建一个婚礼宴会桌规划器应用程序,但我的“table”变量出现 NaN 错误,但我的 return 语句中的“guests”变量却没有。图片是我在我的网站上得到的,下面是脚本代码。我正在使用带有 JavaScript 的 HTML 语言。谢谢你的帮助!

function distribGuests() {

  // Read the table value inputed by the user
     var text = document.getElementById('tablesInputBox').value;

  // Convert what the user typed from text into a number.
     var t = (text);

  // Read the guests value inputed by the user
     var text = document.getElementById('guestsInputBox').value;

  // Convert what the user typed from text into a number.
     var g = (text);

  // Formula for variable "a", the rounded down value of guests
     var a = Math.floor (g / t);

  // Formula for variable "b", the rounded up value of guests
     var b = Math.round (g / t); 

  // Formula for variable "x", the end result for the first set of table distributions
     var x = (g - b * t) / (a - b);

  // Formula for variable "y", the end result for the second set of table distrubutions
     var y = (t - x); 

  // Use string concatenation to produce statement for end result of wedding table distribution
     var message = "There will be "+ x +" tables with "+ b +" guests and "+ y +" tables with "+ a +" guests";

  // Display the message in the div that has the outputDiv
     document.getElementById('outputMessage').innerHTML = message;

标签: javascripthtml



  // Convert what the user typed from text into a number.
     var t = (text);


  // Convert what the user typed from text into a number.
     var t = +text;

您也可以使用parseInt(text), 但+text对于您的用例来说实际上是相同的(称为类型强制)。

