首页 > 解决方案 > unity3d 方法必须有返回类型和错误 CS0501


我正在关注有关体素网格的教程,但遇到了一个我没想到的错误。这是教程,如果你去看看,我在第二部分。我还认为这可能是一个统一版本的问题,因为这是从 2014 年开始的。我搜索过的错误并没有找到确凿的结果。我一遍又一遍地检查 void 语句,并看到许多重复的 stackoverflow 问题。我也尝试过多次重新启动统一。有关错误的更具体信息:在第 118,119 和 120 行,我收到这两个错误。错误 CS0501:方法必须具有返回类型。错误 CS0501:“PolygonGenerator.PolygonGenerator()”必须声明一个主体,因为它没有标记为抽象、外部或部分。无论如何,我的代码如下:(另外,请更正我的评论并添加更多)

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PolygonGenerator : MonoBehaviour
// This first list contains every vertex of the mesh that we are going to render
public List<Vector3> newVertices = new List<Vector3>();
// The triangles tell Unity how to build each section of the mesh joining
// the vertices
public List<int> newTriangles = new List<int>();
// The UV list is unimportant right now but it tells Unity how the texture is
// aligned on each polygon
public List<Vector2> newUV = new List<Vector2>();

private float tUnit = 0.25f;
private Vector2 tStone = new Vector2(0, 0);
private Vector2 tGrass = new Vector2(0, 1);

// A mesh is made up of the vertices, triangles and UVs we are going to define,
// after we make them up we'll save them as this mesh
private Mesh mesh;

private int squareCount;
public byte[,] blocks; //0=air 1=rock, 2=grass

// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
    //gets the mesh of the gameobject
    mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;

    //gets the x,y, and z values of the gameobject
    //writing x is easier than transform.position.x many times
    float x = transform.position.x;
    float y = transform.position.y;
    float z = transform.position.z;

    // defines what corners of the mesh to use for the four corners of the texture
    newUV.Add(new Vector2(tUnit * tStone.x, tUnit * tStone.y + tUnit));
    newUV.Add(new Vector2(tUnit * tStone.x + tUnit, tUnit * tStone.y + tUnit));
    newUV.Add(new Vector2(tUnit * tStone.x + tUnit, tUnit * tStone.y));
    newUV.Add(new Vector2(tUnit * tStone.x, tUnit * tStone.y));

    //clear anything within the meshes boundries
    mesh.vertices = newVertices.ToArray(); //set the meshes vertecies to the new ones we just made
    mesh.triangles = newTriangles.ToArray();
    mesh.uv = newUV.ToArray(); // applys uvs to the mesh
    mesh.Optimize(); //unity does some stuff
    mesh.RecalculateNormals(); // 

void GenSquare(int x, int y, Vector2 texture)
    //defines the vertexes of the new square
    newVertices.Add(new Vector3(x, y, z));
    newVertices.Add(new Vector3(x + 1, y, z));
    newVertices.Add(new Vector3(x + 1, y - 1, z));
    newVertices.Add(new Vector3(x, y - 1, z));

    //without triangels all we have is points in space, no connections
    //these are added clockwise
    newTriangles.Add(squareCount * 4); // 0,0
    newTriangles.Add((squareCount * 4) +1); // 1,0
    newTriangles.Add((squareCount * 4)+3); // -1,0
    newTriangles.Add((squareCount * 4)+1); // 1,0
    newTriangles.Add((squareCount * 4)+2); // -1,1
    newTriangles.Add((squareCount * 4)+3); // -1,0

    // defines what corners of the mesh to use for the four corners of the texture
    newUV.Add(new Vector2(tUnit * texture.x, tUnit * texture.y + tUnit));
    newUV.Add(new Vector2(tUnit * texture.x + tUnit, tUnit * texture.y + tUnit));
    newUV.Add(new Vector2(tUnit * texture.x + tUnit, tUnit * texture.y));
    newUV.Add(new Vector2(tUnit * texture.x, tUnit * texture.y));

void GenTerrain()
    blocks = new byte[10, 10];

    for (int px = 0; px < blocks.GetLength(0); px++)
        for (int py = 0; py < blocks.GetLength(1); py++)
            if (py >= 5)
                blocks[px, py] = 2;
            else if (py < 5)
                blocks[px, py] = 1;
void BuildMesh()
    for (int px = 0; px < blocks.GetLength(0); px++)
        for (int py = 0; py < blocks.GetLength(1); py++)

            if (blocks[px, py] == 1)
                GenSquare(px, py, tStone);
            else if (blocks[px, py] == 2)
                GenSquare(px, py, tGrass);


// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
    //clear anything within the meshes boundries
    mesh.vertices = newVertices.ToArray(); //set the meshes vertecies to the new ones we just made
    mesh.triangles = newTriangles.ToArray();
    mesh.uv = newUV.ToArray(); // applys uvs to the mesh
    mesh.Optimize(); //unity does some stuff
    mesh.RecalculateNormals(); // 

    squareCount = 0;

标签: c#unity3d


GenTerrain(); BuildMesh(); UpdateMesh();

