首页 > 解决方案 > 使用循环保存所有武器 ID 编号


我没有编程背景,我正在玩 Unity Engine。所以我有一个项目经理。所有武器都有 ID 号,例如 23 代表斧头,9 代表手枪等...


public void save() {
    var itemManager = gameObject.GetComponent<vItemManager>();
        if (itemManager != null) {
            foreach(var weapon1 in itemManager.items) {
                // Shows all Weapon Id numbers that is equipped (in the console)
                It just saves the id of the last weapon equipped other weapons ids are
                missing....(the id of the last weapon was saved into registry i want to save all weapon ids into registry..)

                Playerprefs: Stores and accesses player preferences between game

                SetInt: Sets the value of the preference identified by key.
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("nummer", weapon1.id); 

标签: c#linqloopsunity3dforeach


您必须使用唯一密钥进行保存。但是您对所有 id 使用相同的密钥:“nummer”。

int i = 0;
foreach(var weapon1 in itemManager.items) {
    PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("nummer_" + i++, weapon1.id); 

但是有一个问题:你将如何从 PlayerPrefs 中读取未知键?更好的方法是将您的武器清单序列化到文件中。

https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/script-Serialization.html https://unity3d.com/ru/learn/tutorials/topics/scripting/serialization-and-game-data

或者您可以将所有 id 组合成字符串,将它们保存到 PlayerPrefs 并在读取时解析:

String weaponsList;
foreach(var weapon1 in itemManager.items) {
    weaponsList += weapon1.id + ',';
PlayerPrefs.SetString ("weapons",weaponsList); 

String weaponsList = PlayerPrefs.GetString("weapons", String.Empty);
var weaponsIds= weaponsList.Split(new[] { ',' }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach(var weaponId in weaponsIds) {
