首页 > 解决方案 > 每当我单击按钮时淡出图像


我正在制作一个游戏,我有一个带有开始按钮的主菜单,效果非常好。唯一的问题是你可以看到背景,所以我添加了另一个名为“fadeImage”的图像,我想要它,所以每当我点击时负责检测的函数都会淡化名为“fadeImage”的图像。我尝试使用 GetComponent 和 GetGameObject,每当我使用 CrossFade Alpha 时,我都会Object reference not set to instance of object在第 51 行收到错误。这是我的代码

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.Audio;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class StartOptions : MonoBehaviour 
    public int sceneToStart = 1;                                        //Index number in build settings of scene to load if changeScenes is true
    public bool changeScenes;                                           //If true, load a new scene when Start is pressed, if false, fade out UI and continue in single scene
    public bool changeMusicOnStart;                                     //Choose whether to continue playing menu music or start a new music clip
    public Image fadeImage;

    [HideInInspector] public bool inMainMenu = true;                    //If true, pause button disabled in main menu (Cancel in input manager, default escape key)
    [HideInInspector] public Animator animColorFade;                    //Reference to animator which will fade to and from black when starting game.
    [HideInInspector] public Animator animMenuAlpha;                    //Reference to animator that will fade out alpha of MenuPanel canvas group
     public AnimationClip fadeColorAnimationClip;       //Animation clip fading to color (black default) when changing scenes
    [HideInInspector] public AnimationClip fadeAlphaAnimationClip;      //Animation clip fading out UI elements alpha

    private PlayMusic playMusic;                                        //Reference to PlayMusic script
    private float fastFadeIn = .01f;                                    //Very short fade time (10 milliseconds) to start playing music immediately without a click/glitch
    private ShowPanels showPanels;                                      //Reference to ShowPanels script on UI GameObject, to show and hide panels

    void Awake()
        //Get a reference to ShowPanels attached to UI object
        showPanels = GetComponent<ShowPanels> ();

        //Get a reference to PlayMusic attached to UI object
        playMusic = GetComponent<PlayMusic> ();

        fadeImage = GetComponent<Image>();       

    public void StartButtonClicked()
        //If changeMusicOnStart is true, fade out volume of music group of AudioMixer by calling FadeDown function of PlayMusic, using length of fadeColorAnimationClip as time. 
        //To change fade time, change length of animation "FadeToColor"
        fadeImage.CrossFadeAlpha(1.0f, 1.0f, true);

        if (changeMusicOnStart) 

        //If changeScenes is true, start fading and change scenes halfway through animation when screen is blocked by FadeImage
        if (changeScenes) 
            //Use invoke to delay calling of LoadDelayed by half the length of fadeColorAnimationClip
            Invoke ("LoadDelayed", fadeColorAnimationClip.length * .5f);

            //Set the trigger of Animator animColorFade to start transition to the FadeToOpaque state.
            animColorFade.SetTrigger ("fade");

        //If changeScenes is false, call StartGameInScene
            //Call the StartGameInScene function to start game without loading a new scene.

    void OnEnable()
        SceneManager.sceneLoaded += SceneWasLoaded;

    void OnDisable()
        SceneManager.sceneLoaded -= SceneWasLoaded;

    //Once the level has loaded, check if we want to call PlayLevelMusic
    void SceneWasLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode)
        //if changeMusicOnStart is true, call the PlayLevelMusic function of playMusic
        if (changeMusicOnStart)
            playMusic.PlayLevelMusic ();

    public void LoadDelayed()
        //Pause button now works if escape is pressed since we are no longer in Main menu.
        inMainMenu = false;

        //Hide the main menu UI element
        showPanels.HideMenu ();

        //Load the selected scene, by scene index number in build settings
        SceneManager.LoadScene (sceneToStart);

    public void HideDelayed()
        //Hide the main menu UI element after fading out menu for start game in scene

    public void StartGameInScene()
        //Pause button now works if escape is pressed since we are no longer in Main menu.
        inMainMenu = false;

        //If changeMusicOnStart is true, fade out volume of music group of AudioMixer by calling FadeDown function of PlayMusic, using length of fadeColorAnimationClip as time. 
        //To change fade time, change length of animation "FadeToColor"
        if (changeMusicOnStart) 
            //Wait until game has started, then play new music
            Invoke ("PlayNewMusic", fadeAlphaAnimationClip.length);
        //Set trigger for animator to start animation fading out Menu UI
        animMenuAlpha.SetTrigger ("fade");
        Invoke("HideDelayed", fadeAlphaAnimationClip.length);
        Debug.Log ("Game started in same scene! Put your game starting stuff here.");

    public void PlayNewMusic()
        //Fade up music nearly instantly without a click 
        playMusic.FadeUp (fastFadeIn);
        //Play music clip assigned to mainMusic in PlayMusic script
        playMusic.PlaySelectedMusic (1);


标签: cssunity3d



fadeImage = GetComponent<Image>();


GetComponent如果游戏对象附加了一个,则返回 Type 类型的组件,如果没有,则返回 null。


我在按钮中添加了一个名为 fadeImage 的图像


// By passing a true as parameter you make also
// Sure that the component will also be found
// if it is currently not active or disabled - otherwise it would be ignored
fadeImage = GetComponentInChildren<Image>(true);
