首页 > 解决方案 > HTML table scraping in R


I'm trying to obtain the table on the following url: https://www.cenace.gob.mx/DocsMEM/OpeMdo/OfertaCompVent/OferVenta/MDA/Termicas/OfeVtaTermicaHor%20SIN%20MDA%20Hor%202018-12-31%20v2019%2003%2001_01%2000%2001.html

The problem is that the table is not an html table, so html_table() doesn´t work.

So far, I've tried extracting the node from table but it returns nothing

url = "https://www.cenace.gob.mx/DocsMEM/OpeMdo/OfertaCompVent/OferVenta/MDA/Termicas/OfeVtaTermicaHor%20BCS%20MDA%20Hor%202018-12-26%20v2019%2002%2024_01%2000%2001.html"
webpage <- read_html(url)
table_html <- html_nodes(webpage, 'table#Tabc')
table <- html_table(table_html)

标签: htmlrwebweb-scraping



首先,下载适当的版本PhantomJS并将可执行文件(假设是 Windows)放在您的工作目录中。也就是说,它位于脚本phantomjs.exe的工作目录中。R


// scrape.js

var webPage = require('webpage');
var page = webPage.create();

var fs = require('fs');
var path = 'page.html';

page.open('https://www.cenace.gob.mx/DocsMEM/OpeMdo/OfertaCompVent/OferVenta/MDA/Termicas/OfeVtaTermicaHor%20BCS%20MDA%20Hor%202018-12-26%20v2019%2002%2024_01%2000%2001.html', function (status) {
  var content = page.content;



# Run scrape.js with PhantomJS to create the file page.html
system("./phantomjs scrape.js")

# Now we should be in business as usual:
read_html('page.html') %>%
  html_nodes("table#Tabc") %>%
  html_table(header = TRUE) %>%
  .[[1]] %>%

# A tibble: 504 x 38
   Codigo `Estatus asigna~  Hora `Limite de desp~ `Limite de desp~ `Costo de Opera~ `Bloque de Pote~ `Costo Incremen~ `Bloque de Pote~
   <chr>  <chr>            <int>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 BTY5W~ ECO                  1               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
 2 BTY5W~ ECO                  2               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
 3 BTY5W~ ECO                  3               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
 4 BTY5W~ ECO                  4               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
 5 BTY5W~ ECO                  5               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
 6 BTY5W~ ECO                  6               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
 7 BTY5W~ ECO                  7               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
 8 BTY5W~ ECO                  8               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
 9 BTY5W~ ECO                  9               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
10 BTY5W~ ECO                 10               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
# ... with 494 more rows, and 29 more variables: `Costo Incremental de generacion Bloque 02 ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Bloque de Potencia 03 (MW)` <dbl>,
#   `Costo Incremental de generacion Bloque 03 ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Bloque de Potencia 04 (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Incremental de generacion Bloque 04
#   ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Bloque de Potencia 05 (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Incremental de generacion Bloque 05 ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Bloque de Potencia 06
#   (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Incremental de generacion Bloque 06 ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Bloque de Potencia 07 (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Incremental de generacion
#   Bloque 07 ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Bloque de Potencia 08 (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Incremental de generacion Bloque 08 ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Bloque de Potencia
#   09 (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Incremental de generacion Bloque 09 ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Bloque de Potencia 10 (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Incremental de
#   generacion Bloque 10 ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Bloque de Potencia 11 (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Incremental de generacion Bloque 11 ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Reserva
#   rodante 10 min (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Reserva rodante 10 min ($/MW)` <dbl>, `Reserva no rodante 10 min (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Reserva no rodante 10
#   min ($/MW)` <dbl>, `Reserva rodante suplementaria (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Reserva rodante suplementaria ($/MW)` <dbl>, `Reserva no rodante
#   suplementaria (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Reserva no rodante suplementaria ($/MW)` <dbl>, `Reserva regulacion secundaria (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Reserva
#   regulacion secundaria ($/MW` <dbl>

更新为扩展到多个 URL


// scrape2.js

var webPage = require('webpage');
var page = webPage.create();
var system = require('system');
var args = system.args;

var fs = require('fs');
var path = args[2];

page.open(args[1], function (status) {
  var content = page.content;


urls <- list(

paths <- list(

args_list <- map2(urls, paths, paste)

# We are only using this function for the file creation side-effects,
# so we can use walk instead of map. 
# This creates the files: page1.html, page2.html, and page3.html 
walk(args_list, ~ system(paste("./phantomjs scrape2.js", .)))


read_page <- function(page) {
  read_html(page) %>%
    html_nodes("table#Tabc") %>%
    html_table(header = TRUE) %>%
    .[[1]] %>%


paths %>%
  map(~ read_page(.)) %>%

# A tibble: 9,000 x 38
   Codigo `Estatus asigna~  Hora `Limite de desp~ `Limite de desp~ `Costo de Opera~ `Bloque de Pote~ `Costo Incremen~ `Bloque de Pote~
   <chr>  <chr>            <int>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 BTY5W~ ECO                  1               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
 2 BTY5W~ ECO                  2               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
 3 BTY5W~ ECO                  3               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
 4 BTY5W~ ECO                  4               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
 5 BTY5W~ ECO                  5               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
 6 BTY5W~ ECO                  6               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
 7 BTY5W~ ECO                  7               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
 8 BTY5W~ ECO                  8               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
 9 BTY5W~ ECO                  9               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
10 BTY5W~ ECO                 10               35               20           43212.              1.5            1762.              1.5
# ... with 8,990 more rows, and 29 more variables: `Costo Incremental de generacion Bloque 02 ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Bloque de Potencia 03 (MW)` <dbl>,
#   `Costo Incremental de generacion Bloque 03 ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Bloque de Potencia 04 (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Incremental de generacion Bloque 04
#   ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Bloque de Potencia 05 (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Incremental de generacion Bloque 05 ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Bloque de Potencia 06
#   (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Incremental de generacion Bloque 06 ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Bloque de Potencia 07 (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Incremental de generacion
#   Bloque 07 ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Bloque de Potencia 08 (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Incremental de generacion Bloque 08 ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Bloque de Potencia
#   09 (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Incremental de generacion Bloque 09 ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Bloque de Potencia 10 (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Incremental de
#   generacion Bloque 10 ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Bloque de Potencia 11 (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Incremental de generacion Bloque 11 ($/MWh)` <dbl>, `Reserva
#   rodante 10 min (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Reserva rodante 10 min ($/MW)` <dbl>, `Reserva no rodante 10 min (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Reserva no rodante 10
#   min ($/MW)` <dbl>, `Reserva rodante suplementaria (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Reserva rodante suplementaria ($/MW)` <dbl>, `Reserva no rodante
#   suplementaria (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Reserva no rodante suplementaria ($/MW)` <dbl>, `Reserva regulacion secundaria (MW)` <dbl>, `Costo Reserva
#   regulacion secundaria ($/MW` <dbl>
