首页 > 解决方案 > Playing a random animation every time an object passed


I am currently in the process of making a game and I am trying to have a mirror play a random animation as the player walks past it. I managed to get it working, sort-of, and am having some troubles with it.

So first I created an idle animation along with three random animations to be activated as the player walks by and from the idle animation. I then created a simple transition to each of the three states leaving the standard exit time and transition duration on. I than created this script to try to activate the animations:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class mirrorActivate : MonoBehaviour
    private GameObject FSSecurity;
    public GameObject mirrorblank;
    public List<AnimationClip> anim = new List<AnimationClip>();
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    private void Awake()

    void Start()
        FSSecurity = GameObject.Find("Female Security");

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (FSSecurity.transform.position.x == 10)
    public void StartAnimation()
        int random = Random.Range(0, anim.Count);

What's working: It is seemingly playing a random animation every time the player walks to this location.

What's not working?: 1. Upon entering scene idle animation immediately triggers one of the three animations without the if statement being activated. ((It should be in idle and only switch to one of the three randomly if if() is true)) 2. Due to floating point precision using == is not practical, this theoretically could be solved if I use a range with <= and >= rather than ==. But if there is a better solution to activate the player passing an object I am open to suggestions. 3. Animations when played randomly are not fully playing the full time the animation should last. 4. Final issue after activated they are not returning to idle state until next activation.

What I am looking for: Random animation to play each time user walks passed object and as it finishes return to idle. And as a side note is there a more effective way to know when player passes object (I am using 2D)

(for some reason not letting me put unity2d tag on the post)

enter image description here

Simple transitions between, no triggers set or anything

enter image description here

标签: unity3danimation




问题 2 解决方案:
简单地使用范围来解决使用 == 比较浮点精度的问题。请评论任何其他更好的方法来解决这个问题。

问题 3 解决方案:
由于不断触发,动画没有完全按照所需的动画时间运行。如果玩家 >= 10 是导致它激活的唯一参数,因此要使用布尔值的简单解决方案来解决。如果 player.transform >= 10 并且布尔值为 true 开始动画。如果玩家在范围之外,则布尔值为假。在 StartAnimation() 中设置布尔值太真实。

问题 4 解决方案:


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class mirrorActivate : MonoBehaviour
    private GameObject FSSecurity;
    public GameObject mirrorblank;
    public List<AnimationClip> anim = new List<AnimationClip>();
    bool isPlayingAlready = false;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    private void Awake()

    void Start()
        FSSecurity = GameObject.Find("Female Security");

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (FSSecurity.transform.position.x >= 10 && isPlayingAlready == false)
        if (FSSecurity.transform.position.x <= 10 && isPlayingAlready == true)
            isPlayingAlready = false;
    public void StartAnimation()
        int random = Random.Range(0, anim.Count);
        isPlayingAlready = true;





