首页 > 解决方案 > How to load all records that were already published from Kafka?


I have a pyspark structure streaming python app up set up like this

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession\
    .appName("data streaming app")\

data_raw = spark.readStream\
    .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "kafkahost:9092")\
    .option("subscribe", "my_topic")\

query = data_raw.writeStream\
    .option("truncate", "false")\
    .trigger(processingTime="5 seconds")\

And All that shows up is this


19/03/04 22:00:50 INFO streaming.StreamExecution: Streaming query made progress: {
  "id" : "ab24bd30-6e2d-4c2a-92a2-ddad66906a5b",
  "runId" : "29592d76-892c-4b29-bcda-f4ef02aa1390",
  "name" : null,
  "timestamp" : "2019-03-04T22:00:49.389Z",
  "numInputRows" : 0,
  "processedRowsPerSecond" : 0.0,
  "durationMs" : {
    "addBatch" : 852,
    "getBatch" : 180,
    "getOffset" : 135,
    "queryPlanning" : 107,
    "triggerExecution" : 1321,
    "walCommit" : 27
  "stateOperators" : [ ],
  "sources" : [ {
    "description" : "KafkaSource[Subscribe[my_topic]]",
    "startOffset" : null,
    "endOffset" : {
      "my_topic" : {
        "0" : 303
    "numInputRows" : 0,
    "processedRowsPerSecond" : 0.0
  } ],
  "sink" : {
    "description" : "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.ConsoleSink@74fad4a5"

As you can see, my_topic has 303 messages there but I cant get it to show. Additional information includes that I am using the confluent Kafka JDBC connector to query an oracle database and store the rows into the kafka topic. I have an avro schema registry setup with that. If required, I will share these property files as well.

Does anyone have any idea what's going on?

标签: pysparkapache-kafkaspark-structured-streaming


作为流式应用程序,此 Spark 结构流式传输仅在消息发布后立即读取消息。为了测试目的,我想做的是阅读主题中的所有内容。为了做到这一点,你所要做的就是一个额外的选项readStream,即option("startingOffsets", "earliest")

data_raw = spark.readStream\
    .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "kafkahost:9092")\
    .option("subscribe", "my_topic")\
    .option("startingOffsets", "earliest")
