首页 > 解决方案 > How to Connect a Find/Search Step to an Update Step


On a zapier-cli application, how do I do to create the Add a search step button next to a dynamic field that will be used to fill the ID of the object about to be updated, like in the image shown below, described on Zapier's documentation here https://zapier.com/help/how-connect-findsearch-step-update-step/ ?

enter image description here

This is my InputField definition:

        key: "contact_id",
        type: "string",
        label: 'Contact',
        required: true,
        helpText: "Pick the contact to update.",
        dynamic: "contact.id.name",
        altersDynamicFields: false

标签: zapierzapier-cli


David here, from the Zapier Platform team.

Per the docs you need to add a search property that points to a search key and id property (like findContact.id). That plus dynamic will get you your search button.
