首页 > 解决方案 > 用 python 和 pandas 反算布林带



import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

no_of_std = 3
window = 20

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [34, 34, 34, 33, 32, 34, 35.0, 21, 22, 25, 23, 21, 39, 26, 31, 34, 38, 26, 21, 39, 31]})

rolling_mean = df['A'].rolling(window).mean()
rolling_std = df['A'].rolling(window).std(ddof=0)

df['M'] = rolling_mean
df['BBL'] = rolling_mean - (rolling_std * no_of_std)
df['BBH'] = rolling_mean + (rolling_std * no_of_std)

print (df)


       A      M        BBL        BBH
0   34.0    NaN        NaN        NaN
1   34.0    NaN        NaN        NaN
2   34.0    NaN        NaN        NaN
3   33.0    NaN        NaN        NaN
4   32.0    NaN        NaN        NaN
5   34.0    NaN        NaN        NaN
6   35.0    NaN        NaN        NaN
7   21.0    NaN        NaN        NaN
8   22.0    NaN        NaN        NaN
9   25.0    NaN        NaN        NaN
10  23.0    NaN        NaN        NaN
11  21.0    NaN        NaN        NaN
12  39.0    NaN        NaN        NaN
13  26.0    NaN        NaN        NaN
14  31.0    NaN        NaN        NaN
15  34.0    NaN        NaN        NaN
16  38.0    NaN        NaN        NaN
17  26.0    NaN        NaN        NaN
18  21.0    NaN        NaN        NaN
19  39.0  30.10  11.633544  48.566456
20  31.0  29.95  11.665375  48.234625

现在我想在另一个方向计算“A”列中的最后一个值需要准确达到滚动平均值的第三个标准偏差。这意味着换句话说,我想计算:A 在下一行 nr.15 中需要哪个值,它将与 BBH 或 BBL 中的值完全相同。我可以通过递归近似来做到这一点,但这需要很多性能,我认为必须有更好的方法。这是一个解决方案的示例,我认为它会变慢并且必须有更好的更快的方法:

import pandas as pd

odf = pd.DataFrame({'A': [34, 34, 34, 33, 32, 34, 35.0, 21, 22, 25, 23, 21, 39, 26, 31, 34, 38, 26, 21, 39, 31]})

def get_last_bbh_bbl(idf):
    xdf = idf.copy()
    no_of_std = 3
    window = 20
    rolling_mean = xdf['A'].rolling(window).mean()
    rolling_std = xdf['A'].rolling(window).std()
    xdf['M'] = rolling_mean
    xdf['BBL'] = rolling_mean - (rolling_std * no_of_std)
    xdf['BBH'] = rolling_mean + (rolling_std * no_of_std)
    bbh = xdf.loc[len(xdf) - 1, 'BBH']
    bbl = xdf.loc[len(xdf) - 1, 'BBL']
    return bbh, bbl

def search_matching_value(idf, low, high, search_for):
    xdf = idf.copy()
    if abs(high-low) < 0.000001:
        return high

    middle = low + ((high-low)/2)
    xdf = xdf.append({'A' : middle}, ignore_index=True)
    bbh, bbl = get_last_bbh_bbl(xdf)
    if search_for == 'bbh':
        if bbh < middle:
            result=search_matching_value(idf, low, middle, search_for)
        elif bbh > middle:
            result=search_matching_value(idf, middle, high, search_for)
            return middle
    elif search_for == 'bbl':
        if bbl > middle:
            result=search_matching_value(idf, middle, high, search_for)
        elif bbl < middle:
            result=search_matching_value(idf, low, middle, search_for)
            return middle
    return result

actual_bbh, actual_bbl = get_last_bbh_bbl(odf)
last_value = odf.loc[len(odf) - 1, 'A']
print('last_value: {}, actual bbh: {}, actual bbl: {}'.format(last_value, actual_bbh, actual_bbl))
low = last_value
high = actual_bbh * 10
next_value_that_hits_bbh = search_matching_value(odf, low, high, 'bbh')
print ('next_value_that_hits_bbh: {}'.format(next_value_that_hits_bbh))
next_value_that_hits_bbl = search_matching_value(odf, low, high, 'bbl')
print ('next_value_that_hits_bbl: {}'.format(next_value_that_hits_bbl))


 last_value: 31.0, actual bbh: 48.709629106422284, actual bbl: 11.190370893577711
 next_value_that_hits_bbh: 57.298733206475276
 next_value_that_hits_bbl: 2.174952656030655

标签: pythonpandas


这里有一个用快速算法计算下一个值的解决方案:newton opt 和 newton classic 比二分法更快,这个解决方案不使用数据框重新计算不同的值,我直接使用同名库中的统计函数


from scipy import misc
import pandas as pd
import statistics
from scipy.optimize import newton
#scipy.optimize if you want to test the newton optimized function

def get_last_bbh_bbl(idf):
    xdf = idf.copy()
    rolling_mean = xdf['A'].rolling(window).mean()
    rolling_std = xdf['A'].rolling(window).std()
    xdf['M'] = rolling_mean
    xdf['BBL'] = rolling_mean - (rolling_std * no_of_std)
    xdf['BBH'] = rolling_mean + (rolling_std * no_of_std)
    bbh = xdf.loc[len(xdf) - 1, 'BBH']
    bbl = xdf.loc[len(xdf) - 1, 'BBL']
    lastvalue = xdf.loc[len(xdf) - 1, 'A']
    return lastvalue, bbh, bbl

#classic newton
def NewtonsMethod(f, x, tolerance=0.00000001):
    while True:
        x1 = x - f(x) / misc.derivative(f, x)
        t = abs(x1 - x)
        if t < tolerance:
        x = x1
    return x

#to calculate the result of function bbl(x) - x (we want 0!)
def low(x):
    l = lastlistofvalue[:-1]
    avg = statistics.mean(l)
    std = statistics.stdev(l, avg)
    return avg - std * no_of_std - x

#to calculate the result of function bbh(x) - x (we want 0!)
def high(x):
    l = lastlistofvalue[:-1]
    avg = statistics.mean(l)
    std = statistics.stdev(l, avg)
    return avg + std * no_of_std - x

odf = pd.DataFrame({'A': [34, 34, 34, 33, 32, 34, 35.0, 21, 22, 25, 23, 21, 39, 26, 31, 34, 38, 26, 21, 39, 31]})
no_of_std = 3
window = 20
lastlistofvalue = odf['A'].shift(0).to_list()[::-1][:window]

"""" Newton classic method """
x = odf.loc[len(odf) - 1, 'A']
x0 = NewtonsMethod(high, x)
print(f'value to hit bbh: {x0}')
odf = pd.DataFrame({'A': [34, 34, 34, 33, 32, 34, 35.0, 21, 22, 25, 23, 21, 39, 26, 31, 34, 38, 26, 21, 39, 31, x0]})
lastvalue, new_bbh, new_bbl = get_last_bbh_bbl(odf)
print(f'value to hit bbh: {lastvalue} -> check new bbh: {new_bbh}')

x0 = NewtonsMethod(low, x)
print(f'value to hit bbl: {x0}')
odf = pd.DataFrame({'A': [34, 34, 34, 33, 32, 34, 35.0, 21, 22, 25, 23, 21, 39, 26, 31, 34, 38, 26, 21, 39, 31, x0]})
lastvalue, new_bbh, new_bbl = get_last_bbh_bbl(odf)
print(f'value to hit bbl: {lastvalue} -> check new bbl: {new_bbl}')


value to hit bbh: 57.298732375228624
value to hit bbh: 57.298732375228624 -> check new bbh: 57.29873237527272
value to hit bbl: 2.1749518354059636
value to hit bbl: 2.1749518354059636 -> check new bbl: 2.1749518353102992


""" Newton optimized method """
x = odf.loc[len(odf) - 1, 'A']
x0 = newton(high, x, fprime=None, args=(), tol=1.00e-08, maxiter=50, fprime2=None)
print(f'Newton opt value to hit bbh: {x0}')

x0 = newton(low, x, fprime=None, args=(), tol=1.48e-08, maxiter=50, fprime2=None)
print(f'Newton value to hit bbl: {x0}')


Newton opt value to hit bbh: 57.29873237532118
Newton value to hit bbl: 2.1749518352051225




0.002 秒优化

经典 0.005 秒

*评论: *

如果您使用 rolling(window).std() 您正在使用标准偏差,因此您必须使用

std = statistics.stdev(l, avg) 你除以 N-1 个项目

如果您使用 rolling(window).std( ddof=0) 您正在使用总体偏差,因此您必须使用

std = statistics.pstdev(l, avg) 你除以 N 个项目
