首页 > 解决方案 > Trying to find the content of a cell next to the array formula's match


I tried to find if someone had a similar request but I really can't find anything anymore. Basically, I got the following set up:

I got 2 named Ranges, both with 1 column called "ID":

Named Range 1: Rank,     Real Name,      ID
Named Range 2: UserName, Email,     Tag, ID

Now in the second Range, I would like to add a column with the rank of the user but only if that ID also appears in range 1.

What I tried to do was a MATCH function, but I can only get a string to come out if the IDs match, not the rank which is in a different column (column A of the second range).

=ArrayFormula(IF(ISERROR(MATCH(D2:D200,'Top 100 List'!C2:C151,0)),"No","Yes"))

I got it to write "Yes" to all the items that are also in the other named sheet but instead of that, I would like to give me the value of the named range in A from that specific cell.

Edit: I made a copy of the sheet because of sensitive information so you can see it In the sheet "Registrations" column H I would like to get the ranks from the other sheet:


标签: google-sheets


=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(LEN(C2:C),IF(ISERROR(MATCH(D2:D200,'Top 100 List'!C2:C151,0)),"No",
 VLOOKUP(D2:D,{'Top 100 List'!C2:C151,'Top 100 List'!A2:A151},2,0)),))

