首页 > 解决方案 > Swift4.2 如何将“struct”构造的二维数组保存到UserDefautls?


通过使用下面的代码,我可以成功地将包含“struct”(即 [structData])的数组保存到 userDefautls。

    // save [dataCell] encoded to JSON
    func save(_ cellDatas: [cellData]){
        let encoDatas = cellDatas.map{ try? JSONEncoder().encode($0)}
        UserDefaults.standard.set(encoDatas, forKey: "datas")

    // decode JSON array to [cellData]
    func load() -> [cellData]{
        guard let encodedData = UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: "datas") as? [Data] else {
            return []
        return encodedData.map{try! JSONDecoder().decode(cellData.self, from: $0)}

    // retrieve datas from UD
    func retrieveData() -> [cellData]{
        datas = UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: "datas") == nil ? initialData : load()
        return datas

但是,现在我需要保存一个二维数组,即 [[structData]] 以便我尝试了这些代码,替换了一些。但它没有用。

//     save [dataCell] encoded to JSON
    func saveTableList(_ tableList: [[cellData]]){
        let encoDatas = tableList.map{ try? JSONEncoder().encode($0)}
        UserDefaults.standard.set(encoDatas, forKey: "tableList")

    // decode JSON array to [cellData]
    func loadTableList() -> [[cellData]]{
        guard let encodedData = UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: "tableList") as? [[Data]] else {
            return []
        return encodedData.map{try! JSONDecoder().decode(cellData.self, from: $0)}
// this $0 has the error that "Cannot convert value of type '[Data]' to expected argument type 'Data'"
//so I tryied this way instead.
//         return encodedData.map{try! JSONDecoder().decode(cellData.self, from: encodedData)}
//but it didn't work properly

    // retrieve datas from UD
    func retrieveTableListData() -> [cellData]{
        datas = UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: "datas") == nil ? initialData : load()
        return datas

如何将 [[struct]] 的二维数组编码/解码为 JSON 并使用 userDefautls 保存/加载它?

标签: arraysjsonswiftxcodeuserdefaults



  func saveTableList(_ tableList: [[cellData]]) {
    guard let encodedCellData = try? JSONEncoder().encode(tableList) else {
    UserDefaults.standard.set(encodedCellData, forKey: "tableList")

func loadTableList() -> [[cellData]] {
    guard let encodedCellData = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "tableList") as? Data,
        let cellData = try? JSONDecoder().decode([[cellData]].self, from: encodedCellData) else {
            return []
    return cellData
