首页 > 解决方案 > 单击按钮时如何从不同的表单调用方法以在第二种表单中使用


//now i want the label in this method to be displayed when a button is clicked in the second form

public void display()
    cityVar = cities;
    dateVar = Date;
    min_TempVar = MinTemp; 
    maxTempVar = MaxTemp;
    precipitationVar = precipitation;
    humidityVar = humidity;
    windSpeedVar = Wind;

    // ReportForm rf = new ReportForm(); i am calling the second form
    // rf.Display_Label.Text  is a label in the Report form 

    rf.Display_Label.Text = string.Format(@"
    Weather forecast for {0} 
    for the  {1}
    min temp: {2} C
    max temp: {3} C
    precipitation: {4} %
    humidity: {5} % 
    wind speed:{6} km/h ",
    cityVar, dateVar, min_TempVar, maxTempVar, precipitationVar, 


//this how i did it but it does not seem to work , can someone please assist me in the correct way to do this
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //  WeatherApp form = new WeatherApp(); calls the first form
    WeatherApp form = new WeatherApp();
    // form.display() should call the Public void display method which is in the WeatherApp form 

标签: c#

