首页 > 解决方案 > Bing Web Search API v7 似乎无法正常工作


我已将 JavaScript 代码复制到 JavaScript 文件中并遵循文件夹格式,但它似乎不起作用。我已经添加了我的订阅密钥,并且我已经改变了它所说的端点。我想要的只是让某人通过栏搜索某些内容并单击一个按钮,然后它会显示结果。你知道如何正确地做到这一点。我已经尝试了几乎所有东西。

我正在尝试做 .PHP 版本


标签: phpcssazureapibing


我尝试按照官方教程Quickstart: Use PHP to call the Bing Web Search API复制代码并使用我的密钥运行。它不像你的那样工作,得到的结果如下图所示。


然后,我知道您的问题可能与其他 SO 线程Microsoft 翻译 azure 正在使用 PHP API 返回 null相同。

在 Azure 上,Bing Web Search 的认知服务有两种 API 类型,包括All Cognitive Services(All-in-one subscription)和Bing Search v7(Only Bing Search),如下图所示。

图 1. API 类型All Cognitive Services(多合一订阅)哪个端点取决于您的服务区域 ( Location)


图 2. API 类型Bing Search v7(仅限 Bing 搜索)


他们使用不同的端点,例如,在我All Cognitive Service的 LocationSoutheast Asia中,端点是https://southeastasia.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/. 对于此 API 类型中的 Bing Search v7,必须将最终端点更改为https://southeastasia.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/bing/v7.0/search.


  1. 对于使用 API type All Cognitive Services,代码是:

    $accessKey = '<your key for API type of All Cognitive Services>';
    $endpoint ='https://<the region of your cognitive service like southeastasia>.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/bing/v7.0/search'; 
  2. 对于使用 API type Bing Search v7,代码是:

    $accessKey = '<your key for API type of Bing Search v7>';
    $endpoint = 'https://api.cognitive.microsoft.com/bing/v7.0/search';

对于您评论中的第二个问题,HTML 网页和 php 脚本的简单解决方案如下。


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <form name="bing" method="POST" action="search.php">
        <input type="text" name="term">
        <input type="submit" value="Search">


// as above
$accessKey = '<the key of your Cognitive Services>';
$endpoint = '<the endpoint of your Cognitive Services>';

// The `term` index is mapping to the `name` value of type `text` of tag `input` name `term`. 
// Case when use `method="POST"` in form tag, the value of `term` got by `$_POST` method
// Or case when use `GET` method, it change to `$_GET`.
$term = $_POST['term']; 

function BingWebSearch ($url, $key, $query) {
    /* Prepare the HTTP request.
     * NOTE: Use the key 'http' even if you are making an HTTPS request.
     * See: http://php.net/manual/en/function.stream-context-create.php.
    $headers = "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: $key\r\n";
    $options = array ('http' => array (
                          'header' => $headers,
                           'method' => 'GET'));

    // Perform the request and get a JSON response.
    $context = stream_context_create($options);
    $result = file_get_contents($url . "?q=" . urlencode($query), false, $context);
    echo $result;
    // Extract Bing HTTP headers.
    $headers = array();
    foreach ($http_response_header as $k => $v) {
        $h = explode(":", $v, 2);
        if (isset($h[1]))
            if (preg_match("/^BingAPIs-/", $h[0]) || preg_match("/^X-MSEdge-/", $h[0]))
                $headers[trim($h[0])] = trim($h[1]);

    return array($headers, $result);

// Validates the subscription key.
if (strlen($accessKey) == 32) {

    print "Searching the Web for: " . $term . "\n";
    // Makes the request.
    list($headers, $json) = BingWebSearch($endpoint, $accessKey, $term);

    print "\nRelevant Headers:\n\n";
    foreach ($headers as $k => $v) {
        print $k . ": " . $v . "\n";
    // Prints JSON encoded response.
    print "\nJSON Response:\n\n";
    echo $json;
    echo json_encode(json_decode($json), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

} else {

    print("Invalid Bing Search API subscription key!\n");
    print("Please paste yours into the source code.\n");

