首页 > 解决方案 > 打破嵌套的一些或映射 JavaScript


PC = {a:{ID: "abc",options:{x1:"100", x2:"200"}},b:{ID: "d",options:{x2:"100", x3:"200"}}}

pro = {
  "pro": [
      "pID": "abc",
      "attributes": {
        "xyz": [
        "foo": "フルプレミアム"
functionX() {
        let isND = true;
        if (pro === null || pro === [] || pro.length === 0) {
            return isND;
        } else if (pro.length > 0) {
             some(PC, (p) => {
                 some(p.options, (o, k) => {
                     some(pro, (item) => {
                        if (p.ID === item.pID && k === 'xyz') {
                        if (item.attributes[k] !== []) {
                            isND = false;
                    } else if (p.ID === item.pID && k !== 'xyz') {
                        if (item.attributes[k] !== '') {
                            isND = false;
        return isND;

我必须遍历 3 个不同的集合来检查我的状况并返回一个值。如果我的 if-else 条件之一满足,我正在尝试退出嵌套的 some or map。我尝试在 isND = false 之后传递 return true 但不起作用。有人可以帮助解决这个问题。

标签: javascriptlodash




// ignoring "if (pro === null || pro === [] || pro.length === 0)" for this example

// return the inverse
return !Object.values(PC).some(({ ID, options }) => {
  return Object.entries(options).some(([k, o]) => {
    // here "k" is one of your "x1", "x2", etc keys
    // and "o" is the corresponding value

    return pro.pro.some(item => {
      // return "true" if any of your "conditions" are met
