首页 > 解决方案 > C中的单链表:pushBack


我必须创建将元素添加到列表末尾的 pushBack 方法,但它实现的 pushBack 方法不起作用。下面我留下代码:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct
    int *data;
    struct Node *next;

typedef struct
    // Puntero al primer nodo
    Node *head;
    // Cantidad de datos
    unsigned short size;
    // Puntero al ultimo dato accedido.
    Node *current;

List *createList();
Node *createNode(int *);
void pushBack(List *, int *);

int main(void)
    List *lista = createList();
    pushBack(&lista, 4);
    return 0;

List *createList()
    List *list = (List *) malloc(sizeof(List));
    list -> head = NULL;
    list -> size = 0;
    list -> current = NULL;
    return list;

Node *createNode(int *data)
    Node *node = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
    node -> data = data;
    node -> next = NULL;
    return node;
// Función para insertar un nuevo nodo al final de la lista
void pushBack(List *list, int *data)
    Node *node = createNode(data);
    while ( list -> head )
        list -> head = list -> head -> next;
    list -> head = node;
    list -> size ++;

pushBack 方法中的任何更正将不胜感激。

标签: c



void pushBack(List *list, int *data)
    Node *node = createNode(data);
    while ( list -> head )
        list -> head = list -> head -> next;
    list -> head = node;
    list -> size ++;


可能打算使用current而不是headhead当然在第一次将其设置为之后),但在列表本身中为该字段指定一个字段是不寻常的 - 您通常只使用一个临时变量。


def push_back(list, item):
    # Force tail constraints, new tail must be end of list.

    item.next = null

    # If list empty, simply set head.

    if list.head == null:
        list.head = item

    # Find last element in list:

    curr = list.head
    while curr.next != null:
        curr = curr.next

    # Now have last, just attach new item to it.

    curr.next = item

将其转换为 C,我将留给读者作为练习。你应该至少做一些功课:-)


def push_back(list, item):
    # Force tail constraints, new tail must be end of list.

    item.next = null

    # If list empty, simply set head/tail.

    if list.head == null:
        list.head = item
        list.tail = item

    # In non-empty list, tail will always be last element.

    curr.tail.next = item   # Point current tail to new tail.
    curr.tail = item        # Update tail
