首页 > 解决方案 > laravel relationship not showing foreign key value


I've created a relationship between two tables but when I call it shows the id instead of foreign key

My Unit model:

class Unit extends Model
   protected $table='units';
   public function unit_id()
       return $this->hasMany(Procurment_request::class,'unit_id','id');

My Procurment Model:

class Procurment_request extends Model
    protected $table ='procurment_requests';
    public function unit_id(){
        return $this->belongsTo(App\Unit::class);

My Route:

Route::get('show',function (){
    return $result;

And the result:


I want to show the name of Unit not the primary key

标签: laraveleloquent


Change relation name to

class Procurment_request extends Model
    protected $table ='procurment_requests';

    public function unit(){
        return $this->belongsTo(App\Unit::class, 'units_id');


And use

Route::get('show',function (){
    $result->map(function ($item) {
        $item->unit_name = $item->unit->unit_name;
    return $result;
