首页 > 解决方案 > Python script with executable permission says "Command Not Found"


I have a python script abc.py. Inside a shell script file, I call it ./abc.py

Inside abc.py, at the top, I have #!/usr/bin/python

test -x abc.py && echo true || echo false return true

On executing the shell script, it says ./abc.py: Command not found.

It works if I call it as python ./abc.py instead of just ./abc.py

The issue is only with this abc.py file that I created today. The older python scripts in the same directory with different purpose and names work without any issue.

I have referred the correct path of the file BTW. What could be the issue?

标签: pythonshellexecutabletcsh


In tcsh, this happens when the interpreter is invalid:

$ cat foo

$ tcsh -c './foo'
./foo: Command not found.

$ bash -c './foo'
bash: ./foo: /invalid: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

This could be for several reasons. Perhaps your path is wrong for your system:

% type python
python is /usr/local/bin/python

in this case the script needs to start with #!/usr/local/bin/python instead.

Alternatively, the script could have Windows line endings (carriage returns):

$ cat -v foo

In this case, save it with Unix line endings instead.
