首页 > 解决方案 > 关于如何解决无限循环问题的建议(python-pandas)


我有一个包含 384 行的数据框(在 bigining 中还有一个额外的虚拟行)。每行有 4 个我手动编写的变量。3 个基于这 4 个变量的计算字段。和 3 将每个计算变量与之前的行进行比较。每个字段可以有两个值之一(基本上是真/假)。

最终目标 - 我想以 6 个计算字段 (2^6) 的 64 种可能组合出现 6 次 (2^6*6=384) 的方式排列数据框。每次迭代都会执行一个频率表(数据透视表),如果其中一个字段与 6 不同,它会中断并随机化顺序。

有384!-12*6的问题!可能的组合,我的计算机在没有解决方案的情况下运行以下脚本超过 4 天。

import pandas as pd
from numpy import random

# a function that calculates if a row is congruent or in-congruent
def set_cong(df):
    if df["left"] > df["right"] and df["left_size"] > df["right_size"] or df["left"] < df["right"] and df["left_size"] < df["right_size"]:
         return "Cong"
         return "InC"

# open file and calculate the basic fields
DF = pd.read_csv("generator.csv")
DF["distance"] = abs(DF.right-DF.left)
DF["CR"] = DF.left > DF.right
DF["Cong"] = DF.apply(set_cong, axis=1)
again = 1

# main loop to try and find optimal order
while again == 1:
    # make a copy of the DF to not have to load it each iteration
    df = DF.copy()
    again = 0
    df["rand"] = [[random.randint(low=1, high=100000)] for i in range(df.shape[0])]
    # as 3 of the fields are calculated based on the previous row the first one is a dummy and when sorted needs to stay first
    df.rand.loc[0] = 0
    Sorted = df.sort_values(['rand'])

    Sorted["Cong_n1"] = Sorted.Cong.eq(Sorted.Cong.shift())
    Sorted["Side_n1"] = Sorted.CR.eq(Sorted.CR.shift())
    Sorted["Dist_n1"] = Sorted.distance.eq(Sorted.distance.shift())
    # here the dummy is deleted
    Sorted = Sorted.drop(0, axis=0)
    grouped = Sorted.groupby(['distance', 'CR', 'Cong', 'Cong_n1', 'Dist_n1', "Side_n1"])

    for name, group in grouped:
        if group.shape[0] != 6:
            again = 1

Sorted.to_csv("Edos.csv", sep="\t",index=False)
print ("bye")


left right size_left size_right distance cong CR distance_n1 cong_n1 side_n1

  1    6      22         44        5      T    F   dummy       dummy   dummy

  5    4      44         22        1      T    T     F           T       F

  2    3      44         22        1      F    F     T           F       F

标签: pythonpandasiterationinfinite-loop

