首页 > 解决方案 > Memory leak on AddValueChanged of dependency property


My app open and closes several times the same view and everytime it gets sluggish and sluggish as the cycle goes on. If I don't attach any handler to the ValueChanged event on my DependencyProperty, the GC collects as expected. If I add it implicitly in the declaration:

        public static DependencyProperty selectedCharProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
        new PropertyMetadata(OnSelCharChanged)

or separately in the ctor:

TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(this)["SelectedChar"].AddValueChanged(this, OnSelCharChanged);

then the instances keep piling up. This is the closest question I could find on the matter but althout it compiles and everything, it doesn't seem to solve the problem. I also tried

    TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(this)["SelectedChar"].RemoveValueChanged(this, OnSelCharChanged);

set where I'm sure the control will be unloaded but it only delays the leak by one iteration. Is there anything else I could try?

标签: c#wpfmemory-leaksdependency-properties

