首页 > 解决方案 > 在获取请求中传递名称中带有空格的文件名


我有一个文件的两个副本。一个是 CatBoarding.mp4,另一个是 Cat Boarding.mp4

当我执行时:http://localhost:8080/VT/Pages/jspDynamic/dynamic.jsp?video=CatBoarding.mp4in chrome in 工作正常。


  1. http://localhost:8080/VT/Pages/jspDynamic/dynamic.jsp?video="Cat Boarding.mp4"
  2. http://localhost:8080/VT/Pages/jspDynamic/dynamic.jsp?video='Cat Boarding.mp4'
  3. http://localhost:8080/VT/Pages/jspDynamic/dynamic.jsp?video=Cat Boarding.mp4
  4. http://localhost:8080/VT/Pages/jspDynamic/dynamic.jsp?video=Cat%20Boarding.mp4

未找到该文件。我确实注意到浏览器在每种情况下都会为空间插入 %20

@the_storyteller 发现问题不在于我如何将参数传递给 jsp,而在于我如何在 jsp 中使用参数。原来我们在jsp文件里面有:

<source src= <%= "../../videos/" + video %> type='video/mp4'>


<source src= videos/Cat Boarding.mp4 type='video/mp4'>


  1. video = video.replace(" ","%20");在jsp文件中添加
  2. 或改变

    <source src= <%= "'../../videos/" + video + "'" %> type='video/mp4'>

标签: javafilenamesget-request


抱歉,如果我不明白您为什么将此问题标记为 java 问题,希望这会有所帮助:

请记住,URL/URN 中的“空格”被视为不安全字符。RFC1630说:

  There is a conflict between the need to be able to represent many
  characters including spaces within a URI directly, and the need to
  be able to use a URI in environments which have limited character
  sets or in which certain characters are prone to corruption.  This
  conflict has been resolved by use of an hexadecimal escaping
  method which may be applied to any characters forbidden in a given
  context.  When URLs are moved between contexts, the set of
  characters escaped may be enlarged or reduced unambiguously.

  The use of white space characters is risky in URIs to be printed
  or sent by electronic mail, and the use of multiple white space
  characters is very risky.  This is because of the frequent
  introduction of extraneous white space when lines are wrapped by
  systems such as mail, or sheer necessity of narrow column width,
  and because of the inter-conversion of various forms of white
  space which occurs during character code conversion and the
  transfer of text between applications.  This is why the canonical
  form for URIs has all white spaces encoded.

所以我想如果你需要在你的代码中使用“有风险”或“不明确”的 URI,只需用它们的百分比编码代码替换有风险的字符(%20 代表空格,%3C 代表“<”等)

解决此问题的另一种方法是在您的情况下保存您的视频文件,其名称更安全,称为“slug”,用户和系统(如搜索引擎或 http 客户端)更容易阅读。

例如,法语标题使用可能导致相同问题的字符(é、è、î、à、ç 等)。使用 slug,您可以在将文件保存到服务器之前更改文件,所有“空格”都会出现您选择的字符(例如“-”或“_”)。

