首页 > 解决方案 > 按重要性排序,然后按部分分组



id  section     rev     importance
2   1           b       6
1   1           a       5
3   2           c       9
5   3           e       6
4   3           d       5

我想order by **importance**那时group by **section**

所以我尝试使用GROUP BY docs.section

SELECT docs.id, docs.section, docs.rev, (
  SELECT SUM(docs_importance.importance) 
  FROM docs_importance
  WHERE docs_importance.doc_id = docs.id
) AS importance
FROM docs
GROUP BY docs.section    ---GROUPING
ORDER BY docs.section, importance DESC


id  section     rev     importance
1   1           a       5
3   2           c       9
4   3           d       5


id  section     rev     importance
2   1           b       6
3   2           c       9
5   3           e       6

标签: mysqlsqlgreatest-n-per-group


这适用于更高版本的 MySql:

  grp as (
    select d.section, d.id, sum(i.importance) imp
    from docs d inner join docs_importance i
    on i.doc_id = d.id  
    group by d.section, d.id  
  cte as (
    select grp.id, grp.section, grp.imp
    from grp inner join (
      select section, max(imp) maximp
      from grp
      group by section
    ) t on t.section = grp.section and t.maximp = grp.imp 
select d.id, d.section, d.rev, cte.imp importance 
from docs d inner join cte
on cte.id = d.id and cte.section = d.section


| id  | section | rev | importance |
| --- | ------- | --- | ---------- |
| 2   | 1       | b   | 6          |
| 3   | 2       | c   | 9          |
| 5   | 3       | e   | 6          |


select d.id, d.section, d.rev, cte.imp importance 
from docs d inner join (
    select grp.id, grp.section, grp.imp
    from (
    select d.section, d.id, sum(i.importance) imp
    from docs d inner join docs_importance i
    on i.doc_id = d.id  
    group by d.section, d.id  
  ) grp inner join (
      select section, max(imp) maximp
      from (
    select d.section, d.id, sum(i.importance) imp
    from docs d inner join docs_importance i
    on i.doc_id = d.id  
    group by d.section, d.id  
  group by section
    ) t on t.section = grp.section and t.maximp = grp.imp 
on cte.id = d.id and cte.section = d.section

