首页 > 解决方案 > NativeScript ListView Error when updating / changing the array it depends on


I'm creating a chat app with nativescript where I Can load more messages with a specific method. These newly loaded messages are added to the beginning of the messages-array. Now as soon as the messages array changes from which the listview gets its items, it gives me the error:

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined`

JS:   "view": {
JS:     "def": {
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JS:             "publicProviders": {},
JS:             "allProviders": "[Ci...

This is my method

this.moreMessagesSub = this.socket.more_messages_receiver$.subscribe(
(messages: Message[]) => {
  this.currentRoom.messages = messages.concat(this.currentRoom.messages); // This leads to the error.

And here I show you my listview.

 <StackLayout row="0" col="0" colSpan="2">
        <RadListView #chatListView pullToRefresh="true" (pullToRefreshInitiated)="onPullToLoadMore()" [items]="currentRoom.messages" separatorColor="white" height="100%">
            <ng-template tkListItemTemplate let-message="item" let-i="index">

                    <ns-chat-message [message]="message" ></ns-chat-message>


When I remove the line this.currentRoom.messages = messages.concat(this.currentRoom.messages); I am getting no errors. I also tried to use array.unshift here but its exactly the same result. So why does nativescript listview loses the array when it gets renewed? It is obviously just for a really short amount of time. After the Error and some lagging it continues to work like expected and even added the messages in op successfully

标签: javascriptangularlistviewnativescriptangular2-nativescript

