首页 > 解决方案 > 当在前一个方法中设置值时,如何修复在一种方法中返回 null 的数组?


我正在尝试在多个方法中使用单个数组;当我在另一种方法中定义数组的值后尝试打印它们时,我在 shop.main(shop.java:130) 的线程“main”java.lang.NullPointerException 中得到错误异常

public static int[] discount;
public static double[] price;
public static String[] name;

public static void setup(Scanner input, String[] name, double[] price, int[] discount) {
    System.out.print("Please enter the number of items to setup shop: ");
    do {
        CheeseNum = input.nextInt();
        if (CheeseNum < 0) {
            System.out.print("Invalid Input. Enter a value > 0: ");
    } while (CheeseNum < 0);

    discount = new int[CheeseNum];
    price = new double[CheeseNum];
    name = new String[CheeseNum];

    for (int i = 0; i < CheeseNum; i++){
        System.out.print("Enter the name of the " + numSuffix(i + 1) + " product: ");
        name[i] = input.next();
        System.out.printf("Enter the per package price of " + name[i] + ": ");
        price[i] = input.nextDouble();
        System.out.printf("Enter the number of packages ('x') to qualify for Special Discount (buy 'x' get 1 free) for " + name[i] + ", or 0 if no Special Discount offered:");
        discount[i] = input.nextInt();

public static void buy(Scanner input, String[] name, int[] purchased) {
    purchased = new int[CheeseNum];
    for (int i = 0; i < CheeseNum; i++){
        System.out.printf("\nEnter the number of " + name[i] + " packages to buy: ");
        purchased[i] = input.nextInt();
        shopBuyIns = shopBuyIns + purchased[i];


标签: javaarrays


每当您在 java 中创建数组或对象时,java 都会为您创建的对象分配内存,并且该对象的变量名是指向它分配的内存位置的指针。在您的函数中,您创建了新数组,这意味着您在内存中为新数组分配了另一个位置,但是由于您是在函数范围内进行的,因此该数组将只存在于那里并且当您超出函数的范围时 java 的垃圾收集器将删除函数的所有局部变量 - 以及您的新数组!所以现在你的变量是一个指向内存中不存在的地方的指针,你得到NullPointerException
