首页 > 解决方案 > Migration From ASM to ARM Load Balancer


I am working through migrating the last of my ASM resources to ARM and the only concern I have is the load balanced set. The current configuration has a endpoints under the load balanced set. Currently, ASM to ARM migration doesn't support endpoints with an ACL associated to it. What are the best options to migrate? My thought would be to remove the endpoints from the load balancer and allow that endpoint to be open and then control the traffic at a VM level with a classic NSG, which is supported during migration.

标签: azuremigrationazure-resource-manager


目前,当您从 ASM 迁移到 ARM 时,端点 ACL不是受支持的功能。所以你必须先删除ACL。ARM 资源不是端点 ACL,而是使用 NSG 根据一组规则来控制网络入站和出站流量。ARM中有子网级NSG和网卡级NSG。

您只能为端点指定网络 ACL 。您不能为虚拟网络或虚拟网络中包含的特定子网指定 ACL。建议尽可能使用网络安全组 (NSG) 而不是 ACL。使用 NSG 时,端点访问控制列表将被替换且不再强制执行。要了解有关 NSG 的更多信息,请参阅网络安全组概述
