首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用 CLIPS 读取/使用用户输入


我正在做一个 Clips 项目。我试图首先存储事实(这很好)。然后我试图要求用户提供有关存储为事实的 gem 的详细信息,并根据他们的回答为他们提供 gem 的正确名称。

(deftemplate gem
(slot name)
(slot hardness)
(slot density)
(multislot colors))

(deffacts gems
(gem (name diamond) (hardness 10) (density 3.52) (colors yellow, brown, green, blue, white, colorless))
(gem (name corundum) (hardness 9) (density 4) (colors red, pink, yellow, brown, green, blue, violet, black, white, colorless))
(gem (name chrysoberyl) (hardness 8.5) (density 3.72) (colors yellow,brown,green))
(gem (name spinel) (hardness 8) (density 3.6) (colors red, pink, yellow, brown, green, blue, violet, white, colorless)))

(defrule reading-input
(printout t "Enter the hardness of the gem: " )
(assert (var(read)))
(printout t "Enter the density of the gem: " )
(assert (var(read)))
(printout t "Enter the color of the gem: " )
(assert (var(read))))

(defrule checking-input
(var ?hardness)
(var ?density)
(var ?colors)
(gem (name ?name1) (hardness ?hardness1) (density ?density1) (colors $?colors1))
(test (= ?hardness ?hardness1))
(test (= ?hardness ?hardness1))
(test (member$ ?hardness ?hardness1))
(printout t "Gem is " ?name1 crlf))

我是 CLIPS 的初学者,尽管花费了数小时,但无法弄清楚如何使上述代码正常工作。任何帮助将不胜感激。谢谢。

标签: clips


         CLIPS (6.31 2/3/18)
(deftemplate gem
   (slot name)
   (slot hardness)
   (slot density)
   (multislot colors))
(deffacts gems
   (gem (name diamond) (hardness 10) (density 3.52) (colors yellow brown green blue white colorless))
   (gem (name corundum) (hardness 9) (density 4) (colors red pink yellow brown green blue violet black white colorless))
   (gem (name chrysoberyl) (hardness 8.5) (density 3.72) (colors yellow brown green))
   (gem (name spinel) (hardness 8) (density 3.6) (colors red pink yellow brown green blue violet white colorless)))
(defrule reading-input
   (printout t "Enter the hardness of the gem: " )
   (assert (hardness (read)))
   (printout t "Enter the density of the gem: " )
   (assert (density (read)))
   (printout t "Enter the color of the gem: " )
   (assert (color (read))))
(defrule checking-input
   (hardness ?hardness)
   (density ?density)
   (color ?color)
   (gem (name ?name1) (hardness ?hardness1) (density ?density1) (colors $?colors1))
   (test (= ?hardness ?hardness1))
   (test (= ?density ?density1))
   (test (member$ ?color ?colors1))
   (printout t "Gem is " ?name1 crlf))
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
Enter the hardness of the gem: 9
Enter the density of the gem: 4
Enter the color of the gem: green
Gem is corundum
