首页 > 解决方案 > 如何将一个类实例的变量存储在另一个类的实例中


我有两个自定义类,一个是 gurobipy 类的子类,应该创建一个 lp 模型。我制作的另一个用于存储变量。现在我想在变量类中存储模型类的一些变量。这是我的课程:

class Model(gb.Model):
    def __init__(self):

    def create_model(self, var):
        dim = var.dimensions()
        # variables
        x = self.addVars(dim[0], dim[1], vtype=gb.GRB.BINARY, name="x")
        D_l = self.addVars(dim[1], lb=0, name='D_l')
        D_max = self.addVar(lb=0, name='D_max')
        # objective
        self.setObjective(D_max, gb.GRB.MINIMIZE)
        # constraints
        self.addConstrs((x.sum(i, '*') == 1 for i in range(dim[0])), name="b")
        self.addConstrs((D_max >= D_l[l] for l in range(dim[1])), name="c")
        self.addConstrs((D_l[l] >= var.dist_mat()[i, j] * (x[i, l] + x[j, l] - 1) for i in range(dim[0])
                          for j in range(dim[0]) for l in range(dim[1])), name='a')

class Variables:
    def __init__(self, data, number_of_clusters, neighbourhood_size):
        self.data = data
        self.number_of_clusters = number_of_clusters
        self.neighbourhood_size = neighbourhood_size
        self.variables_before = None
        self.variables_now = None
        self.ofv_before = None
        self.ofv_now = None
        self.x = None

    def dist_mat(self):
        from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix
        return distance_matrix(self.data, self.data)

    def dimensions(self):
        from numpy import shape
        data_objects = shape(self.data)[0]
        number_of_clusters = self.number_of_clusters
        return data_objects, number_of_clusters

    def print_dist_mat(self):

这是我要存储的 x 变量。首先,我尝试将它存储在模型类的实例中。我将这一行添加到init -functionself.x = None中。但它提出了一个AttributeError: 'x' is not a model attribute. 我猜,这是因为 gurobipy 类没有 ax 属性。


def store_x(self, var):
    var.x = self.x

然后,我得到了这个错误:gurobipy.GurobiError: Unable to retrieve attribute 'x',我不明白为什么。

我什至无法从函数外部访问 x 变量。我可以从函数内部打印它,但仅此而已。问题是,我在稍后阶段需要这个 x 变量。

我怎样才能做到这一点?如何存储 x 变量以便以后访问它?它不必在变量类中,也可以赞赏任何其他解决方案。

标签: pythonclassgurobi



def store_x(self, var):
    var.x = self.x


def store_x(self, var):
    self.x = var.x

这是因为您在“var”参数中发送的任何内容都只是您实际传递的内容的副本。然后它的范围只会持续到该 store_x 方法的末尾。因此,您改为传递该副本并告诉您的变量类实例将其存储在它的 x 值中。


self.x = None # inside your Model class


class Variables:
    def __init__(self):
        self.data = data
        self.number_of_clusters = number_of_clusters
        self.neighbourhood_size = neighbourhood_size
        self.variables_before = None
        self.variables_now = None
        self.ofv_before = None
        self.ofv_now = None
        self.x = None


class Variables:
    def __init__(self):
        self.data = None
        self.number_of_clusters = None
        self.neighbourhood_size = None
        self.variables_before = None
        self.variables_now = None
        self.ofv_before = None
        self.ofv_now = None
        self.x = None

    def get_x(self,modelx):

        self.x = modelx

class Model:
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = ({}, {})

# create your class instances here

newVar = Variables()
newModel = Model()

# one way to assign your Variable class's x attribute the tuple dict in question.  
newVar.x = newModel.x 

# alternate way is to create a function inside your Variable class that updates the x variable based on the argument you send it.  
