首页 > 解决方案 > 单击没有按钮 ID、类名的搜索按钮



button type="button" on click="window.location='Go?action=agent'" Search /button

我无法提供 URL,因为它在办公室外无法使用。


Sub login_page()
    Dim IE App As Internet Explorer
    Dim IE Doc As Object
    'create a new instance of IE
    Set IE App = New Internet Explorer
    IE App.Visible = True
    IE App.navigate "URL"
    Do While IE App.Busy: Do Events: Loop
    Do Until IE App.ready State = READY STATE_COMPLETE: Do Events: Loop
    Set IE Doc = IE App.document
    With IE Doc.forms(0)
        .user.Value = "id"
        .Password.Value = "password"
    End With

    IE App.navigate "hyperlink URL"
    Do While IE App.Busy: Do Events: Loop
    'Do Until IE App.ready State = READY STATE_COMPLETE: Do Events: Loop
    IE App.navigate "hyperlink URL"
    Do While IE App.Busy: Do Events: Loop
    IE App.navigate "hyperlink URL"
    Do While IE App.Busy: Do Events: Loop

    ieApp.document.getElementsById("go").Value = "123"
    With ieApp.document
        .getElementById("go").Value = "123"
    End With
    ieApp.document.parentWindow.getElementsbyid("go").Value = "123"
    ieApp.document.parentWindow.getElementbyid("go").Value = "123"
    ieApp.document.getElementById("go").Value = "123"

End Sub

标签: excelvbaweb-scraping


在我直接运行 onclick 事件 javascript 的地方尝试类似以下的操作。

 ieApp.document.parentWindow.execScript "window.location='Go?action=agent'" 
