首页 > 解决方案 > 在 TextInput 中禁用文本换行


有没有办法在 TextInput 小部件中禁用文本换行?也就是说,我仍然希望有换行符,但我不想在段落中换行。所以这似乎multiline=False不是我要找的

更新:我的意思是 Windows(例如 Windows 7)Microsoft 记事本(格式 - 自动换行)中有“自动换行”选项。我想在 kivy TextInput 中禁用此选项

标签: pythonkivy


我不做 Windows,但这对我来说听起来像是水平滚动。TextInput如果您设置为 False,则默认情况下会进行水平滚动,multiline但当设置multiline为 True 时则不会。所以这里有一个技巧,可以TextInput在 a为 TrueScrollView时提供水平滚动:multiline

from kivy.app import App
from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy.properties import NumericProperty
from kivy.uix.scrollview import ScrollView
from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput

class MyTextInput(TextInput):
    minimum_width = NumericProperty(1)

    def on_cursor(self, instance, newPos):
        # determine scroll position of parent ScrollView if multiline is True
        if not (isinstance(self.parent, ScrollView) and self.multiline):
            return super(MyTextInput, self).on_cursor(instance, newPos)
        if newPos[0] == 0:
            self.parent.scroll_x = 0
            over_width = self.width - self.parent.width
            if over_width <= 0.0:
                return super(MyTextInput, self).on_cursor(instance, newPos)
            view_start = over_width * self.parent.scroll_x
            view_end = view_start + self.parent.width
            offset = self.cursor_offset()
            desired_view_start = offset - 5
            desired_view_end = offset + self.padding[0] + self.padding[2] + self.cursor_width + 5
            if desired_view_start < view_start:
                self.parent.scroll_x = max(0, desired_view_start / over_width)
            elif desired_view_end > view_end:
                self.parent.scroll_x = min(1, (desired_view_end - self.parent.width) / over_width)
        return super(MyTextInput, self).on_cursor(instance, newPos)

    def on_text(self, instance, newText):
        # calculate minimum width
        width_calc = 0
        for line_label in self._lines_labels:
            width_calc = max(width_calc, line_label.width + 20)   # add 20 to avoid automatically creating a new line
        self.minimum_width = width_calc

theRoot = Builder.load_string('''
    id: scroller
    effect_cls: 'ScrollEffect'  # keeps from scrolling to far
        size_hint: (None, 1)
        width: max(self.minimum_width, scroller.width)

class TI_in_SV(App):
    def build(self):
        return theRoot


