首页 > 解决方案 > F#铁路编程是这个初始化可以改进吗?


我正在学习 F#,我想知道这种初始化数组的前 N ​​个元素的方法实现是否可以改进。目前它工作得很好。我的意思是,如果它在尝试通过对工厂执行第二次调用来初始化第二个元素时失败,那么如果会为第一个成功结果调用 undo。唯一的小问题是,如果出错,它不会清理数组中的项目,但我不担心。我所担心的是,如果它在第 2 次或第 3 次或更晚时失败,它应该为第一个成功的结果撤消。如果它成功,那么成功结果应该在 Undo 列表中列出所有要撤消的函子。

问题是我想避免递归并使用 Linq 之类的东西来迭代和做一些事情,但在这种情况下不清楚如何用 bang(let!) 做 let

// val private initializeArrayInternal: 
//    arr    : 'a option [] ->
//    factory: unit -> RopWithUndo.Result<'a> ->
//    count  : int          ->
//    index  : int          
//          -> RopWithUndo.Result<'a option []>
let rec private initializeArrayInternal (arr: _ []) factory count index =
    if (arr.GetLength(0) < count) then 
        rwu.Failure "Count can not be greater than array length"
    else if (count = index ) then
        rwu.successNoUndo arr
        rwu.either {        
            let! element = factory()
            arr.[index] <- Some element 
            return (initializeArrayInternal arr factory count (index+1))

// val initializeArray: 
//    arr    : 'a option [] ->
//    factory: unit -> RopWithUndo.Result<'a> ->
//    count  : int          
//          -> RopWithUndo.Result<'a option []>        
let rec initializeArray arr factory count =
    initializeArrayInternal arr factory count 0 


module RopWithUndo

type Undo = unit -> unit

type Result<'success> =
    | Success of 'success * Undo list
    | Failure of string

/// success with empty Undo list. It only applies to the curretn operation. The final list is concatenated of all list and no problem if some lists are empty.
let successNoUndo result =
    Success (result,[])

let doUndo undoList =
    undoList |> List.rev |> List.iter (fun undo -> undo())

let bind f x =
    match x with
    | Failure e -> Failure e 
    | Success (s1,undoList1) ->            
            match f s1 with
            | Failure e ->
                // undo everything in reverse order 
                doUndo undoList1
                // return the error
                Failure e 
            | Success (s2,undoList2) ->
                // concatenate the undo lists
                Success (s2, undoList1 @ undoList2)
        | _ -> 
            doUndo undoList1

type EitherBuilder () =
    member this.Bind(x, f) = bind f x

    member this.ReturnFrom x = x
    member this.Return x = x
    member this.Delay(f) = f()

let either = EitherBuilder ()

标签: f#



let initializeArray (arr:_[]) factory count =
    rwu.either {
      if (arr.GetLength(0) < count) then 
        return! rwu.Failure "Count can not be greater than array length"
      for index in 0 .. count - 1 do
        let! element = factory()
        arr.[index] <- Some element 


type EitherBuilder () =
  member this.Return x = Success(x, [])
  member this.Bind(x, f) = bind f x

  member this.ReturnFrom x = x
  member this.Delay(f) = f()

  member this.Zero() = this.Return ()
  member this.Combine(a, b) = this.Bind(a, fun () -> b)
  member this.For(s:seq<_>, b) = 
    let en = s.GetEnumerator()
    let rec loop () = 
      if en.MoveNext() then this.Bind(b en.Current, loop)
      else this.Zero()
    loop ()
