首页 > 解决方案 > 替换一个数组中包含在另一个数组中的值,而不遍历每条记录


我正在通过抓取音乐节的网站艺术家页面来创建 Spotify 播放列表生成器。我能够返回所有艺术家姓名,但其中一些没有链接到 Spotify 搜索词,例如:

Festival Artist Name: "Slash and..."
Spotify Search Term:  "Slash"


public int EdgeCasesID { get; set; }
public int FestivalID { get; set; }
public string ComparableString { get; set; }
public string SearchTerm { get; set; }
public bool Skip { get; set; }

它表示替换/跳过/搜索与 Spotify 搜索词不匹配的艺术家所需的所有数据。


foreach (string artist in artistNames)
    bool skipArtist = false;
    SearchItem searchItem = null;

    // Check if any of those artists exist in the UnfoundArtists database
    // More or less check if the name is different on Spotify or if they are even on Spotify
    foreach (EdgeCase unfoundArtist in EdgeCases)
        // If the download artist page contains the a specific name 
        // e.g if 'slash & the conspirators' contains 'slash'
        if (artist.Trim().Contains(unfoundArtist.ComparableString)) 
            // If so, check if the artist is on Spotify
            if (unfoundArtist.ToSearch)
                // search using SearchTerm

            // This case is if the artist is on the page but not on Spotify
            skipArtist = true;
            // Search the artist if there is no edge case - different Spotify 
            // name/on Spotify at all etc
            searchItem = _api.SearchItems(artist.Trim(), SearchType.Artist, limit: 1);

标签: c#

