首页 > 解决方案 > 如何将多个查询导出到一个 Excel 工作表中


我的 Access 数据库中有一些查询。我知道将这些导出到一个 Excel 工作簿中,但在不同的工作表中。我想将查询结果列出到一张表中,并在结果之间添加一个空行和一个标题。


标签: sqlvbams-access


在 Access Vb 编辑器中设置对 Microsoft excel 的引用

Sub ExportQueries
Dim xl as New Excel.Application  'start up excel
dim wb as workbook
dim ws as worksheet
dim r as range
set wb = xl.workbooks.add      'add a workbook
set ws = wb.worksheets(1)      'point to first sheet
set r = ws.range("a1")         'point to a cell
r = "my first caption"
set r = r.offset(1,0)
'dim rs as new recordset        'ADO
Dim rs as recordset     'DAO
'   rs.open "myquery",currentproject.connection  'ADO
 Set rs = Currentdb.OPenrecordset("myquery")  'DAO

 '*************************Copy field headings into excel
 Dim f as field   
 dim x as integer
 For each f in rs.Fields
    x = x+1
 next f
  set r = r.offset(1,0)
  '****************************End field headings

r.copyfromrecordset rs   'copy results into xl
set r = r.end(xldown).offset(2,0) 'point to cell 2 below end of first set of results
r = "my next caption"
set r = r.offset(1,0)
rs.open "myotherquery",currentproject.connection
r.copyfromrecordset rs
set r = r.end(xldown).offset(2,0)
'and so on

end sub
