首页 > 解决方案 > 在for循环中调用函数,异步问题


我正在尝试在我的 FILE 表中插入一行,但是当我尝试这样做时,事情完成的顺序并不是我想要的。我知道 JS 是异步的,但是我不确定这会如何影响我在循环中的工作方式。

一些背景知识,sharedLib.serverCreateCalendar(file) 只需要一个 .ics 文件并将其内容转换为 JSON,这样我就可以从中获取信息

我对 JS 或 SQL 没有太多经验,所以我不知道应该怎么做才能解决这个问题。

for (var i = 0; i < files; i++) {
  cals = sharedLib.serverCreateCalendar(file); // get the cal info as a JSON

  var obj, fileN, version, prodID, evtNum; //variables for parsing the JSON and getting the values
  var obj = JSON.parse(cals); //parse the calendar JSON

  //Assign the values i want
  fileN = files[j];
  version = obj.version;
  prodID = obj.prodID;
  evtNum = obj.numEvents;

  //SQL to insert into the FILE table
  var calInsert = ("INSERT INTO FILE (file_Name, version, prod_id) VALUES('" + fileN + "'," + version + ",'" + prodID + "'" + ");"); //This is the SQL to insert into the FILE table with its required info

  //Send the SQL query to add a file
  connection.query(calInsert, function(err, result) {
    if (err) { //error inserting into the DB
      console.log("Calendar insert error");
    } else { //if placing the calendar is good then add the events 
      console.log("Added the calendar!");



("INSERT INTO FILE (file_Name, version, prod_id) VALUES('" + fileN + "'," + version + ",'" + prodID + "'" + ");"); 
Added the calendar!

("INSERT INTO FILE (file_Name, version, prod_id) VALUES('" + fileN + "'," + version + ",'" + prodID + "'" + ");"); 
Added the calendar!

("INSERT INTO FILE (file_Name, version, prod_id) VALUES('" + fileN + "'," + version + ",'" + prodID + "'" + ");"); 
Added the calendar!


("INSERT INTO FILE (file_Name, version, prod_id) VALUES('" + fileN + "'," + version + ",'" + prodID + "'" + ");"); 
("INSERT INTO FILE (file_Name, version, prod_id) VALUES('" + fileN + "'," + version + ",'" + prodID + "'" + ");"); 
("INSERT INTO FILE (file_Name, version, prod_id) VALUES('" + fileN + "'," + version + ",'" + prodID + "'" + ");"); 
Added the calendar!
Added the calendar!
Added the calendar!

标签: javascriptnode.js



var files = []; // Get an array of files some how

function insertFiles(theFiles) {
    // Handle end condition
    if (theFiles === undefined || theFiles.length == 0) {
    var cals = sharedLib.serverCreateCalendar(file); // get the cal info as a JSON
    var obj = JSON.parse(cals); //parse the calendar JSON
    var fileN = theFiles.shift();   // Get the first file and remove from array
    var version = obj.version;
    var prodID = obj.prodID;
    var evtNum = obj.numEvents;

    //SQL to insert into the FILE table
    var calInsert = ("INSERT INTO FILE (file_Name, version, prod_id) VALUES('" + fileN + "'," + version + ",'" + prodID + "'" + ");"); //This is the SQL to insert into the FILE table with its required info

    //Send the SQL query to add a file
    connection.query(calInsert, function(err, result) {
        if (err) { //error inserting into the DB
            console.log("Calendar insert error");
        } else { //if placing the calendar is good then add the events 
            console.log("Added the calendar!");


但是,当然,正如评论中所指出的那样,SQL 插入命令的编写方式可能存在其他问题。
