首页 > 解决方案 > Are there any options for inverting a bezier curve? (cytoscape.js)


I'm trying to shape my edges similarly to this:

static mock of desired edges/curves

static mock of desired edges/curves

I'm able to create "S" shaped curves, but i would like them to invert when going downwards from the root node (similarly to the picture). I haven't noticed anything in the docs that describes settings to do this.

I have a demo here: https://codesandbox.io/s/l5m6mnlqrz

What could also work is if I were able to smooth out the 90 degree curve with the "taxi" curve-style, although this doesn't seem possible.

Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks.

标签: javascriptbeziercytoscape.js



对于 A 点(左侧)和 B 点(B 点低于还是高于 A 点并不重要):

第一条曲线有起点P0=(XA, YA)和终点P3=((XA + XB)/2, ((YA + YB)/2)


X1, Y1 = X0 + DX, Y0
X2, Y2 = X3, Y3 - DY

参数DX and DY定义直角的舍入。尝试将它们设置为DX = (X3 - X0) / 3DY = (Y3 - X0) / 3m 然后改变分母以获得所需的曲线形式


 (X3, Y3), (X3, Y3 + DY), (XB - DX, YB), (XB, YB)
