首页 > 解决方案 > 来自火力基地的警告


我创建了用于发送通知和访问 firestore 数据库的云功能。我已经按照下面提到的链接来编写云函数。

https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/quickstart https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/get-started

现在我收到了一封来自 firebase 的电子邮件:

   "You are receiving this message because you are an owner of a Firebase project that sent a message via the Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) endpoint in the last 28 days.
 Last year we announced that the GCM server and client APIs are deprecated. To prevent a disruption in your service, you must redirect your Cloud Messaging server requests to the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) endpoint at fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/ before May 29, 2019.
  We also recommend that you upgrade your client SDKs from GCM to the latest version of Firebase Cloud Messaging. Although existing app installations that use GCM methods will continue to function, GCM methods will not work when your app targets future Android versions (after Android Q)".


标签: firebasefirebase-realtime-databasegoogle-cloud-firestoregoogle-cloud-messagingfirebase-cloud-messaging

