首页 > 解决方案 > 通过协议传递数据我做错了什么


我正在尝试在 viewControllers 之间传递数据,但似乎有问题。

我想将“Bool”设置为协议函数的第一个 viewController 以便能够在另一个屏幕中恢复。我做错了什么,我总是使用协议,但此时我遇到了麻烦。


//  ComboBoxNode.swift

import Foundation
import SWXMLHash

protocol ComboBoxNodeDelegate {
    func getCustomOption(data:Bool)

class ComboBoxNode: FormControlNode, IFormControlDataSource {

    var listType: String?
    var dataSource: String?
    var dataSourceValue: String?
    var dataSourceText: String?
    var hasCustomOption:Bool?
    var customOptionText: String?
    var ctrlDataSourceType: String?
    var parameters = [ParameterNode]()
    var staticList: FormControlStaticListNode?

    var delegate:ComboBoxNodeDelegate?

    override init(indexer: XMLIndexer) {
        super.init(indexer: indexer)

        guard let element = indexer.element else {

        let isCustomOption = element.bool(by: .hasCustomOption) ?? hasCustomOption

        if isCustomOption == true {
            self.delegate?.getCustomOption(data: hasCustomOption!)

        self.readFormControlDataSource(indexer: indexer)

    override func accept<T, E: IViewVisitor>(visitor: E) -> T where E.T == T {
        return visitor.visit(node: self)


//  FormPickerViewDelegate.swift

import Foundation
import ViewLib
import RxSwift

class FormPickerViewDelegate: NSObject {

    var items = Variable([(value: AnyHashable, text: String)]()) {
        didSet {
            PickerNodeDelegate = self

    private var controlViewModel: FormControlViewModel
    private var customText:Bool?

    private var PickerNodeDelegate:ComboBoxNodeDelegate?

    init(controlViewModel: FormControlViewModel) {
        self.controlViewModel = controlViewModel

    func getItemByValue(_ value: Any) -> (AnyHashable, String)? {

        if value is AnyHashable {
            let found = items.value.filter {$0.value == value as! AnyHashable}
            if found.count >= 1 {
                return found[0]

        return nil

extension FormPickerViewDelegate:ComboBoxNodeDelegate {
    func getCustomOption(data: Bool) {
        customText = data

标签: iosswiftprotocols



protocol ComboBoxNodeDelegate {
    func getCustomOption(data:Bool) -> String 

class ViewOne:ComboBoxNodeDelegate {
    var foo:Bool = false
    var bar:String = "it works!"

    /** Return: String */
    func getCustomOption(data:Bool) -> String { //conform here to protocol
          // do whatever you wanna do here ...example
          self.foo = data // you can set
          return bar // even return what you want


    func initalizeViewTwo() {
         let v2 = ViewTwo()
         v2.delegate = self //since `self` conforms to the ComboBoxNodeDelegate protcol you are allowed to set


class ViewTwo { 
    var delegate:ComboBoxNodeDelegate?

    func getCustomOption_forV1() {
        let view2_foo = delegate.getCustomOption(data:true)
        print(view2_foo) // should print "it works!"
