首页 > 解决方案 > PHP循环通过多级Alphavantage API JSON


我正在使用来自 Alphavantange.co 的 API 来获取股价值。我需要遍历 API 提供的所有值。

我已从 api 返回 JSON 并使用 json_decode。我可以得到 1 个值,例如,我可以使用下面的代码让 63.3700 回显到屏幕:

  $string = file_get_contents("https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED&symbol=LLOY.l&outputsize=full&apikey=XXXX");
        $arr = json_decode($string, true);

                            echo $arr['Time Series (Daily)']['2019-04-04']['1. open'].'<br>';


    "Meta Data": {
        "1. Information": "Daily Time Series with Splits and Dividend Events",
        "2. Symbol": "LLOY.l",
        "3. Last Refreshed": "2019-04-05",
         "4. Output Size": "Full size",
        "5. Time Zone": "US/Eastern"
    "Time Series (Daily)": {
        "2019-04-05": {
            "1. open": "62.4500",
            "2. high": "62.9000",
            "3. low": "62.0800",
            "4. close": "62.2100",
            "5. adjusted close": "62.2100",
            "6. volume": "218007230",
            "7. dividend amount": "0.0000",
            "8. split coefficient": "1.0000"
    "2019-04-04": {
        "1. open": "63.3700",
        "2. high": "63.3800",
        "3. low": "62.3500",
        "4. close": "62.6200",
        "5. adjusted close": "62.6200",
        "6. volume": "193406609",
        "7. dividend amount": "0.0000",
        "8. split coefficient": "1.0000"
    "2019-04-03": {
        "1. open": "64.1200",
        "2. high": "65.5400",
        "3. low": "63.9300",
        "4. close": "64.8800",
        "5. adjusted close": "62.7400",
        "6. volume": "231702090",
        "7. dividend amount": "0.0000",
        "8. split coefficient": "1.0000"

我一次可以获得一个值,但最终需要遍历所有值才能将它们写入 MySQL 表。当每个级别都有不同的“名称”(不同的日期)时,我如何遍历它们?

作为第一个帮助,我将如何输出每个日期的 Open 值,例如 2019-04-05 62.4500 2019-04-04 63.3700 2019-04-03 64.1200

标签: phpjsonmultidimensional-array


您必须将 JSON 解码为数组,您可以使用函数json_decode将 JSON 转换为数组并在循环内应用逻辑

$responseToArray = json_decode($response, TRUE);//$response is JSON


foreach($responseToArray as $key => $value){
      Your Code here, you can further do the
      loop through $value ...and so on

有关详细信息,请参阅PHP 手册
