首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么这段代码会产生错误“int is not subscriptable”?


我已将变量转换为字符串,但是 Python 仍然无法识别它并说整数不可下标。



 import random

 num = random.randint(1000, 9999)
 tot_correct = 0
 tot_tries = 0

 while tot_correct != 4:
     tot_correct = 0
     tot_tries += 1
     guess = input("Guess the number: ")
     guess = str(guess)
     #check 1st number
     if guess[0] == num[0]:
         tot_correct += 1

     #check 2nd number
     if guess[1] == num[1]:
         tot_correct += 1

     #check 3rd number
     if guess[2] == num[2]:
         tot_correct += 1

     #check 4th number
     if guess[3] == num[3]:
         tot_correct += 1
     print("You got " + tot_correct + " numbers right.")

print("You have guessed the number correctly! It took you " + tot_tries + "   tries.")


标签: python



编辑:您的代码实际上做错了很多事情。您遇到的一个大问题是您tot_correct = 0在 while 循环中进行设置,这意味着它将永远运行并且永远不会完成。


num_guessed = 0
number_to_guess = 4
total_guesses = 0
while num_guessed < number_to_guess:
    # each pass we reset their guess to 0 and get a new random number
    guess = 0
    # get a new random number here
    while guess != random:
        # have a user guess the number here
        total_guesses += 1 # we can increment their total guesses here too
        # it would be a good idea to tell them if their guess is higher or lower
        # when they guess it right it will end the loop

    num_guessed += 1

# down here we can tell them game over or whatever you want

