首页 > 解决方案 > 蒙特卡洛积分返回不正确的值,覆盖内存的问题


我在计算圆环质心的积分时遇到问题,它应该返回 (2.4076, 0.16210, 0.0)。

该程序适用于 pi/4 的估计,但是我认为当我尝试使用 setRandomDomain() 函数覆盖现有点时存在问题。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define DIM 1000000

double random_double() {
    static const int a = 16807;
    static const int c = 0;
    static const long long m = 2147483647;
    static long long seed = 1;
    seed = (a * seed + c) % m;
    return ((double) seed) / m;

typedef struct Domain_t {
    double *x;
    double *y;
    double *z;
} Domain;

void constructDomain(Domain (**p_domain)) {
    *p_domain = malloc(sizeof(Domain));
    if(p_domain == NULL) {
        printf("ERROR: Memory allocation failed\n");
    (*p_domain)->x = malloc(DIM * sizeof(double));
    if ((*p_domain)->x == NULL) {
        printf("ERROR: Memory allocation failed\n");
    (*p_domain)->y = malloc(DIM * sizeof(double));
    if ((*p_domain)->y == NULL) {
        printf("ERROR: Memory allocation failed\n");
    (*p_domain)->z = malloc(DIM * sizeof(double));
    if((*p_domain)->z == NULL) {
        printf("ERROR: Memory allocation failed\n");

void delDomain (Domain (**p_domain)) {
    if (p_domain != NULL) {
        free ((*p_domain)->z);
        free ((*p_domain)->y);
        free ((*p_domain)->x);
        free (*p_domain);

double radiusFunc(double point_x, double point_y) {
    return sqrt(pow(point_x,2)+pow(point_y,2));

double G(double point_x, double point_y, double point_z, int R) {
    return pow(point_z,2)+pow(radiusFunc(point_x,point_y)-(double)R,2);

typedef struct Volume_t {
    int R;
    int r;
    int lower_x;
    int upper_x;
    int lower_y;
    int upper_y;
    int lower_z;
    int upper_z;
    int V;
} Volume;

void setVolume(Volume (*p_volume), int R, int r, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int z1, int z2) {
    p_volume->R = R;
    p_volume->r = r;
    p_volume->lower_x = x1;
    p_volume->upper_x = x2;
    p_volume->lower_y = y1;
    p_volume->upper_y = y2;
    p_volume->lower_z = z1;
    p_volume->upper_z = z2;
    if(z1 == 0 && z2 == 0)
        p_volume->V = (x2-x1)*(y2-y1);
    else if(y1 == 0 && y2 == 0)
        p_volume->V = (x2-x1)*(z2-z1);
    else if(x1 == 0 && x2 == 0)
        p_volume->V = (y2-y1)*(z2-z1);
        p_volume->V = (x2-x1)*(y2-y1)*(z2-z1);

void setInitialDomain(Domain (**p_domain)) {
    int i;
    for(i=0;i<DIM;i++) {
        (*p_domain)->x[i] = random_double();
        (*p_domain)->y[i] = random_double();
        (*p_domain)->z[i] = random_double();

void setRandomDomain(Domain (*p_domain), Domain (**p_new_domain), Volume (*p_volume)) { 
    int i;
    for(i=0;i<DIM;i++) {
        (*p_new_domain)->x[i] = p_domain->x[i]*(double)(p_volume->upper_x - p_volume->lower_x) + (double)p_volume->lower_x;
        (*p_new_domain)->y[i] = p_domain->y[i]*(double)(p_volume->upper_y - p_volume->lower_y) + (double)p_volume->lower_y;
        (*p_new_domain)->z[i] = p_domain->z[i]*(double)(p_volume->upper_z - p_volume->lower_z) + (double)p_volume->lower_z;

double setIntegrand(Domain (*p_domain), char c) {
    double *p_x = p_domain->x;
    double *p_y = p_domain->y;
    double *p_z = p_domain->z;
        return *p_x;
    else if(c=='y')
        return *p_y;
    else if(c=='z')
        return *p_z;
        return 1.;

double calculateIntegral(Domain (*p_domain), Volume (*p_volume), char c) {
    int i;
    double F = 0.;
    for(i=0;i<DIM;i++) {
        if(G(p_domain->x[i], p_domain->y[i], p_domain->z[i], p_volume->R)<=(double)p_volume->r) {
            F += setIntegrand(p_domain, c);
    return F*(double)p_volume->V/(double)DIM;

int main() {
    Domain *p_initial_domain;
    Domain *p_random_domain;

    printf("Point 1: successful\n");
    printf("Point 2: successful\n");


    Volume circle, *p_circle;
    p_circle = &circle;
    setRandomDomain(p_initial_domain, &p_random_domain, p_circle);

    printf("PI/4 is approximately %f\n", calculateIntegral(p_random_domain, p_circle, 'p'));

    Volume torus, *p_torus;
    p_torus = &torus;
    setRandomDomain(p_initial_domain, &p_random_domain, p_torus);

    double M = calculateIntegral(p_random_domain, p_torus, 'p');
    double X = calculateIntegral(p_random_domain, p_torus, 'x');
    double Y = calculateIntegral(p_random_domain, p_torus, 'y');
    double Z = calculateIntegral(p_random_domain, p_torus, 'z');
    printf("rho integral is approximately %f\n", M);
    printf("x integral is approximately %f\n", X);
    printf("y integral is approximately %f\n", Y);
    printf("z integral is approximately %f\n", Z);
    printf("Centre of mass is approximately (%f, %f, %f)\n", X/M, Y/M, Z/M);


// return pointers??
// array of structs??

    return 0;


PI/4 is approximately 0.785436
rho integral is approximately 22.101282
x integral is approximately 22.101801
y integral is approximately -45.953770
z integral is approximately 11.298411
Centre of mass is approximately (1.000023, -2.079235, 0.511211)



标签: cmontecarlo



double *p_x = p_domain->x;

// ...
return *p_x;

这将返回double数组中的第一个。请记住,这*x相当于x[0]. 将索引传递给函数:

double setIntegrand(Domain (*p_domain), char c, int i)
    if (c == 'x') return p_domain->x[i];
    if (c == 'y') return p_domain->y[i];
    if (c == 'z') return p_domain->z[i];
    return 1.;


for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
    if (G(...) <= p_volume->r) {
        F += setIntegrand(p_domain, c, i);




typedef struct Point Point;
typedef struct Domain Domain;

struct Point {
    double x;
    double y;
    double z;

struct Domain {
    size_t length;
    Point *point;

Domain *constructDomain(size_t length)
    Domain *dom = malloc(sizeof(*dom));

    if (dom) {
        dom->length = length;
        dom->point = calloc(length, sizeof(*dom->point));

        // check success

    return dom;
