首页 > 解决方案 > 如何将参数传递给`scipy.integrate.solve_ivp`中的事件函数?


odeintScipy正在远离solve_ivp,它不再支持为动态函数传递额外的参数。相反,建议使用 lambda。但是,当我对事件尝试相同的操作时,它们无法正常工作。有什么想法吗?


import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# dynamics of a simple mass with ballistic flight and a bit of drag
def cannon(t, y, p): 
    return [y[2],y[3], -p['friction']*y[2], p['gravity']-p['friction']*y[3]]

# termination condition: cannonball hits the ground
# this event does not require parameters, but more complex events might
def hit_ground1(t, y, p): 
    return y[1]
hit_ground1.terminal = True
hit_ground1.direction = -1

def hit_ground2(t,y):
    return y[1]
hit_ground2.terminal = True
hit_ground2.direction = -1

p = {'gravity':-1,'friction':0} # paramters as a dict
y0 = [0, 0, 0, 10] # initial conditions
t_span = [0, 22] # integration time a bit over what is necessary

# we can handle dynamics with parameters by using lambdas
# but somehow the same doesn't seem to work with events
sol1 = solve_ivp(fun=lambda t,x:cannon(t,x,p), t_span=t_span, 
    y0=y0, events=hit_ground2, max_step=0.01)    
sol2 = solve_ivp(fun=lambda t,x:cannon(t,x,p), t_span=t_span, 
    y0=y0, events=lambda t,x:hit_ground1(t,x,p), max_step=0.01)

print(sol1.t[-1]) # terminates correctly
print(sol2.t[-1]) # continues integrating
plt.plot(sol1.t,sol1.y[1], linewidth=3)


标签: pythonscipy


事件的属性terminaldirection不会转移到您的 lambda 表达式中。您需要将 lambda 保存到一个变量中,并在那里而不是在hit_ground1函数上添加属性。

def hit_ground1(t, y, p):
    return y[1]

ground_event = lambda t,x:hit_ground1(t,x,p)
ground_event.terminal = True
ground_event.direction = -1


 sol2 = solve_ivp(fun=lambda t,x:cannon(t,x,p), t_span=t_span,
    y0=y0, events=ground_event, max_step=0.01)
