首页 > 解决方案 > 如何确定Java中数据库页面的内容何时被更改?


所以我有一个 simpleDB 数据库,它是用 Java 编写的多用户事务数据库服务器,它通过 JDBC 与 Java 客户端程序进行交互。问题是我的文件管理器中的刷新函数基本上将数据写入 a 块有不必要的调用,所以我需要一个标志来检查页面是否已被修改但未刷新到磁盘然后刷新它,否则忽略. 我的问题是,如果页面实际上是用一种以上的方法修改的,我会感到困惑吗?

我有一个变量 wasModified 来检查。对我来说显而易见的地方是 appendval() 函数,因为页面显然正在被更改。但显然,还有其他地方正在更改页面,我不知道在哪里。

public class LogMgr implements Iterable<BasicLogRecord> {
    * The location where the pointer to the last integer in the page is.
    * A value of 0 means that the pointer is the first value in the page.
   public static final int LAST_POS = 0;

   private String logfile;
   private Page mypage = new Page();
   private Block currentblk;
   private int currentpos;
   private int increment = 0;
   private boolean wasModified = false;
    * Creates the manager for the specified log file.
    * If the log file does not yet exist, it is created
    * with an empty first block.
    * This constructor depends on a {@link FileMgr} object
    * that it gets from the method
    * {@link simpledb.server.SimpleDB#fileMgr()}.
    * That object is created during system initialization.
    * Thus this constructor cannot be called until
    * {@link simpledb.server.SimpleDB#initFileMgr(String)}
    * is called first.
    * @param logfile the name of the log file
   public LogMgr(String logfile) {

      this.logfile = logfile;
      int logsize = SimpleDB.fileMgr().size(logfile);
      if (logsize == 0)
      else {
         currentblk = new Block(logfile, logsize-1);
         currentpos = getLastRecordPosition() + INT_SIZE;

    * Ensures that the log records corresponding to the
    * specified LSN has been written to disk.
    * All earlier log records will also be written to disk.
    * @param lsn the LSN of a log record
   public void flush(int lsn) {
      if (lsn >= currentLSN()) {  

    * Returns an iterator for the log records,
    * which will be returned in reverse order starting with the most recent.
    * @see java.lang.Iterable#iterator()
   public synchronized Iterator<BasicLogRecord> iterator() {
      return new LogIterator(currentblk);

    * Appends a log record to the file.
    * The record contains an arbitrary array of strings and integers.
    * The method also writes an integer to the end of each log record whose value
    * is the offset of the corresponding integer for the previous log record.
    * These integers allow log records to be read in reverse order.
    * @param rec the list of values
    * @return the LSN of the final value
   public synchronized int append(Object[] rec) {
      int recsize = INT_SIZE;  // 4 bytes for the integer that points to the previous log record
      for (Object obj : rec)
         recsize += size(obj);
      if (currentpos + recsize >= BLOCK_SIZE){ // the log record doesn't fit,
         flush();        // so move to the next block.
      for (Object obj : rec)
      //int lsn = currentLSN() + (++increment);
       int lsn = currentLSN() ;
      return lsn;

    * Adds the specified value to the page at the position denoted by
    * currentpos.  Then increments currentpos by the size of the value.
    * @param val the integer or string to be added to the page
   private void appendVal(Object val) {
      if (val instanceof String) {
          mypage.setString(currentpos, (String)val);
          wasModified = true;

      else {
          mypage.setInt(currentpos, (Integer)val);
          wasModified = true;

      currentpos += size(val);

    * Calculates the size of the specified integer or string.
    * @param val the value
    * @return the size of the value, in bytes
   private int size(Object val) {
      if (val instanceof String) {
         String sval = (String) val;
         return STR_SIZE(sval.length());
         return INT_SIZE;

    * Returns the LSN of the most recent log record.
    * As implemented, the LSN is the block number where the record is stored.
    * Thus every log record in a block has the same LSN.
    * @return the LSN of the most recent log record
   private int currentLSN() {
      return currentblk.number();

    * Writes the current page to the log file.
   private void flush() {
       if(wasModified) {
           wasModified = false;


    * Clear the current page, and append it to the log file.
   private void appendNewBlock() {
      wasModified = true;
      currentpos = INT_SIZE;
      currentblk = mypage.append(logfile);

    * Sets up a circular chain of pointers to the records in the page.
    * There is an integer added to the end of each log record
    * whose value is the offset of the previous log record.
    * The first four bytes of the page contain an integer whose value
    * is the offset of the integer for the last log record in the page.
   private void finalizeRecord() {
      mypage.setInt(currentpos, getLastRecordPosition());
      currentpos += INT_SIZE;

   private int getLastRecordPosition() {
      return mypage.getInt(LAST_POS);

   private void setLastRecordPosition(int pos) {
      mypage.setInt(LAST_POS, pos);

标签: javadatabase

