首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 LINQ 扁平化嵌套结构


我收到一个包含嵌套列表的 JSON 有效负载。可以使用 LINQ 来扁平化结构并将嵌套列表拉出为非规范化形式吗?

我有强大的数据库背景,所以这就是为什么我称它为 JSON 数据的非规范化形式。

我以前使用过 LINQ,但没有使用这些深度类型的结构。

我尝试使用 LINQ fluent 方法,但似乎无法访问嵌套列表

        public class Exampleobject
            public string result { get; set; }
            public Propertydata propertyData { get; set; }

        public class Propertydata
            public List<Buildings> building { get; set; }           

        public class Buildings
            public string itemId { get; set; }
            public string buildingType { get; set; }
            public string buildingTypeCode { get; set; }
            public string buildingTypeDescription { get; set; }            

            public List<floorInvolved> floorsInvolved { get; set; }            

        public class floorInvolved
            public string InvolvedId { get; set; }
            public List<FRole> roles { get; set; }

        public class FRole
            public string code { get; set; }
            public string description { get; set; }

Sample Data:

"result": "200 OK",

"propertyData": {

"building": [

"itemId": "9A85B1CCBD65C1F2",
"type": "V",
"buildingTypeCode": "02",
"buildingTypeDescription": "mixed space",

"floors": [

"InvolvedId": "04",

"roles": [

"code": "OFF",
"description": "Office space"

"code": "APT",
"description": "Apartment"

"code": "STG",
"description": "Storage"
"InvolvedId": "05",

"roles": [

"code": "OFF",
"description": "Office space"


I'm trying to get the building bubbled up with the details like this:
ID                Description  Floor  Role
9A85B1CCBD65C1F2  mixed space    04   Office space, Apartment, Storage
9A85B1CCBD65C1F2  mixed space    05   Office space

I load the json data like so
var resulting = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Exampleobject>(rawjson);

标签: c#linq



var result =
    from building in resulting.propertyData.building
    from floor in building.floorsInvolved
    select $"{building.itemId} {building.buildingTypeDescription} " +
        $"{floor.InvolvedId} " +
        $"{string.Join(", ", floor.roles.Select(role => role.description))}";


var result =
    from building in resulting.propertyData.building
    from floor in building.floorsInvolved
    let roles = floor.roles.Select(role => role.description)
    select $"{building.itemId} {building.buildingTypeDescription} " +
        $"{floor.InvolvedId} {string.Join(", ", roles)}";


 var result = resulting.propertyData.building
    .SelectMany(building => building.floorsInvolved
        .Select(floor => $"{building.itemId} {building.buildingTypeDescription} " +
            $"{floor.InvolvedId} " +
            $"{string.Join(", ", floor.roles.Select(role => role.description))}"));
