首页 > 解决方案 > 如何修复石头剪刀布中的计算机选择



import random
moves = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors']

我怀疑问题可能出在 RandomPlayer

class RandomPlayer(Player):
    def move(self):
        index = random.randint(0, 2)  # Selects random moves from the move list
        return (index)

class Game():
    def __init__(self, p2):
        self.p1 = HumanPlayer()
        self.p2 = p2

    def play_game(self):
        print("\nLet's play Rock, Paper, Scissors!")
        for round in range(1, 4):
            print(f"\nRound {round}:")
        if self.p1.score > self.p2.score:
            print('Player 1 won!')
            # print(f"The score is {self.p1.score} to {self.p2.score}")
        elif self.p1.score < self.p2.score:
            print('Player 2 won!')
            # print(f"The score is {self.p1.score} to {self.p2.score}")
            print('The game was a tie!')
        print(f"Final score is {self.p1.score} to {self.p2.score}")

    # plays a single round if user chose to
    def play_single(self):
        print("Rock Paper Scissors, Go!")
        print(f"Round 1 of 1:")
        if self.p1.score > self.p2.score:
            print('Player 1 won!')
        elif self.p1.score < self.p2.score:
            print('Player 2 won!')
            print('The game was a tie!')
        print(f"Final score is {self.p1.score} to {self.p2.score}")

    def play_round(self):
        move1 = self.p1.move()
        move2 = self.p2.move()
        result = Game.play(move1, move2)
        self.p1.learn(move2)  # stores opponent move
        self.p2.learn(move1)  # stores opponent move


Round 1:
Rock, Paper, Scissors?  rock
You played rock and opponent played 2
[ It's A TIE ]
[The score is 0 to 0]

Round 2:
Rock, Paper, Scissors?  paper
You played paper and opponent played 1
[ It's A TIE ]
[The score is 0 to 0]

Round 3:
Rock, Paper, Scissors?  scissors
You played scissors and opponent played 1
[ It's A TIE ]
[The score is 0 to 0]

The game was a tie!
Final score is 0 to 0 

我相信问题可能出在 Class Game()

标签: python


我相信问题出在您的 RandomPlayer 类中。您应该返回与该索引相关的移动,而不是在移动方法中返回索引。换句话说,您的 RandomPlayer 类应该是:

class RandomPlayer(Player):
    def move(self):
        index = random.randint(0, 2)  # Selects random moves from the move list
        return moves[index]  # Changed from return (index)
