首页 > 解决方案 > 对于 Cortex-M3,如何优化块复制和右移 + 饱和到 max=5


基本上,我需要通过减小整体代码的大小以减少内存大小或使其运行效率更高,从而使这段代码更高效。我正在使用 Thumb 2 以及 Cortex-M3。

我已经尝试减少使用的 MOV 函数的数量,但是虽然这确实减少了整体代码大小,但由于代码的工作方式,它需要每个单独的部分来获取并将结果存储在寄存器中,所以我有点难过我该如何改进它。代码目前处于默认状态。

  EXPORT  __Vectors
  EXPORT Reset_Handler
  DCD 0x00180000     ; top of the stack 
  DCD Reset_Handler  ; reset vector - where the program starts


num_words EQU (end_source-source)/4  ; number of words to copy

  LDR r0,=source     ; point to the start of the area of memory to copy from
  LDR r1,=dest       ; point to the start of the area of memory to copy to
  MOV r2,#num_words  ; get the number of words to copy

  ; find out how many blocks of 8 words need to be copied - it is assumed
  ; that it is faster to load 8 data items at a time, rather than load
  ; individually
  MOVS r3,r2,LSR #3  ; find the number of blocks of 8 words
  BEQ individ        ; if no blocks to copy, just copy individual words

  ; copy and process blocks of 8 words 
  LDMIA r0!,{r5-r12}  ; get 8 words to copy as a block
  MOV r4,r5           ; get first item
  BL data_processing  ; process first item 
  MOV r5,r4           ; keep first item
  MOV r4,r6           ; get second item
  BL data_processing  ; process second item 
  MOV r6,r4           ; keep second item
  MOV r4,r7           ; get third item
  BL data_processing  ; process third item
  MOV r7,r4           ; keep third item  
  MOV r4,r8           ; get fourth item
  BL data_processing  ; process fourth item 
  MOV r8,r4           ; keep fourth item
  MOV r4,r9           ; get fifth item
  BL data_processing  ; process fifth item
  MOV r9,r4           ; keep fifth item  
  MOV r4,r10          ; get sixth item
  BL data_processing  ; process sixth item 
  MOV r10,r4          ; keep sixth item
  MOV r4,r11          ; get seventh item
  BL data_processing  ; process seventh item
  MOV r11,r4          ; keep seventh item 
  MOV r4,r12          ; get eighth item
  BL data_processing  ; process eighth item
  MOV r12,r4          ; keep eighth item  
  STMIA r1!,{r5-r12}  ; copy the 8 words 
  SUBS r3,r3,#1       ; move on to the next block
  BNE block_loop      ; continue until last block reached

  ; there may now be some data items available (fewer than 8)
  ; find out how many of these individual words need to be copied 
  ANDS r3,r2,#7   ; find the number of words that remain to copy individually
  BEQ exit        ; skip individual copying if none remains

  ; copy the excess of words
  LDR r4,[r0],#4      ; get next word to copy
  BL data_processing  ; process the item read
  STR r4,[r1],#4      ; copy the word 
  SUBS r3,r3,#1       ; move on to the next word
  BNE individ_loop    ; continue until the last word reached

  ; languish in an endless loop once all is done
  B exit

  ; subroutine to scale a value by 0.5 and then saturate values to a maximum of 5 
  CMP r4,#10           ; check whether saturation is needed
  BLT divide_by_two    ; if not, just divide by 2
  MOV r4,#5            ; saturate to 5
  BX lr
  MOV r4,r4,LSR #1     ; perform scaling
  BX lr

source  ; some data to copy
  DCD 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,0,4,6,12,15,13,8,5,4,3,2,1,6,23,11,9,10 

dest  ; copy to this area of memory
  SPACE end_source-source


标签: assemblyarmmicro-optimizationcortex-mcortex-m3


这是您的主循环的略微优化版本。鉴于您正在为 Cortex M3 进行编程,由于您的 CPU 不支持,因此不可能进行超标量或 SIMD 处理。这与您的代码之间的主要区别是:

  • 所有相关函数都内联
  • 逻辑已经优化了一点
  • 无用的移动指令已被省略

此代码在每个表条目中运行 10 个周期,外加一些用于初始分支的指令以及最终的分支错误预测。

        .syntax unified

        @ r0: source
        @ r1: destination
        @ r2: number of words to copy
        @ the number in front of the comment is the number
        @ of cycles needed to execute the instruction
block:  cbz r2, .Lbxlr          @ 2 return if nothing to copy

.Loop:  ldmia r0!, {r3}         @ 2 load one item from source
        cmp r3, #10             @ 1 need to scale?
        ite lt                  @ 1 if r3 < 10:
        lsrlt r3, r3, #1        @ 1 then r3 >>= 1
        movge r3, #5            @ 1 else r3 = 5
        stmia r1!, {r3}         @ 2 store to destination
        subs r2, r2, #1         @ 1 decrement #words
        bne .Loop               @ 1 continue if not done yet

.Lbxlr: bx lr

通过展开循环一次,您可以将两个条目的循环次数减少到 16 个循环(每个条目 8 个循环)。请注意,这几乎使代码长度增加了三倍,但性能提升很小。

        .syntax unified

        @ r0: source
        @ r1: destination
        @ r2: number of words to copy
        @ the number in front of the comment is the number
        @ of cycles needed to execute the instruction

        @ first check if the number of elements is even or odd
        @ leave this out if it's know to be even
block:  tst r2, #1              @ 1 odd number of entries to copy?
        beq .Leven              @ 2 if not, proceed with eveness check

        ldmia r0!, {r3}         @ 2 load one item from source
        cmp r3, #10             @ 1 need to scale?
        ite lt                  @ 1 if r3 < 10:
        lsrlt r3, r3, #1        @ 1 then r3 >>= 1
        movge r3, #5            @ 1 else r3 = 5
        stmia r1!, {r3}         @ 2 store to destination
        subs r2, r2, #1         @ 1 decrement #words

        @ check if any elements are left
        @ remove if you know that at least two elements are present
.Leven: cbz r2, .Lbxlr          @ 2 return if no entries left.

.Loop:  ldmia r0!, {r3, r4}     @ 3 load two items from source

        cmp r3, #10             @ 1 need to scale?
        ite lt                  @ 1 if r3 < 10:
        lsrlt r3, r3, #1        @ 1 then r3 >>= 1
        movge r3, #5            @ 1 else r3 = 5

        cmp r4, #10             @ 1 need to scale?
        ite lt                  @ 1 if r5 < 10:
        lsrlt r4, r4, #1        @ 1 then r4 >>= 1
        movge r4, #5            @ 1 else r4 = 5

        stmia r1!, {r3, r4}     @ 3 store to destination
        subs r2, r2, #2         @ 1 decrement #words twice
        bne .Loop               @ 1 continue if not done yet

.Lbxlr: bx lr

通过将循环展开四次可以实现每个元素 7 个循环,但我认为这太过分了。

请注意,此代码在 GNU 中作为语法。为您的汇编程序修改它应该是微不足道的。
