首页 > 解决方案 > Typescript 中的私有继承等价物(仅包括或排除特定的类成员或属性)


在 Typescript 中模拟私有继承的最佳方法是什么?具体来说,chid 类想要隐藏父类的某些成员。


CustomArray<T>从 扩展,并仅Array<T>隐藏特定成员。pop()shift()

let c1 = new CustomArray<number>();
c1.push(10, 20, 30, 40, 50); // okay
c1.shift(); // should error
c1.pop();   // should error
c1.sort(); // okay  etc...

这是我尝试过的,但是 vscode 仍然允许应该是受限制的成员。

//Try to hide pop() and push():
type T1<T> = Exclude<Array<T>, 'pop'| 'push'>

// check
let x: T1<number> = [];
x.push(3);  // allowed -- okay
x.pop();    // also allowed -- but wanted it to be an error

标签: javascripttypescriptinheritancevisual-studio-codetypescript-generics


您不想使用继承,因为您不打算让 aCustomArray<T>以所有相同的方式使用 an Array<T>


type CustomArray<T> = Pick<Array<T>, Exclude<keyof Array<T>, "shift" | "pop">>;
const CustomArray: new <T>() => CustomArray<T> = Array;

let c1 = new CustomArray<number>();
c1.push(10, 20, 30, 40, 50); // okay
c1.shift(); // error
c1.pop();   // error
c1.sort(); // okay 

这就像你问的那样。但请记住,这是对Array<T>. 例如,该sort()方法仍将返回Array<T>,而不是CustomArray<T>

c1.sort().pop(); // okay


interface CustomArray<T> {
  length: number;
  toString(): string;
  toLocaleString(): string;
  // pop(): T | undefined;
  push(...items: T[]): number;
  concat(...items: ConcatArray<T>[]): CustomArray<T>;
  concat(...items: (T | ConcatArray<T>)[]): CustomArray<T>;
  join(separator?: string): string;
  reverse(): CustomArray<T>;
  // shift(): T | undefined;
  slice(start?: number, end?: number): CustomArray<T>;
  sort(compareFn?: (a: T, b: T) => number): this;
  // ... ALL the other methods, omitted for brevity
const CustomArray: new <T>() => CustomArray<T> = Array;
const c1 = new CustomArray();
c1.push(10, 20, 30, 40, 50); // okay
c1.shift(); // error
c1.pop();   // error
c1.sort(); // okay  
c1.sort().pop(); // error

