首页 > 解决方案 > 在结构数组中导航并存储无法正常工作的值


我的代码非常混乱,并且有两个结构,它们的定义和初始化都相同。但是对于tall结构,我可以将变量存储在结构中tall[radius]而不会出现任何问题。但是,当我复制xxstruct 的过程时,它不会打印错误的值。我似乎无法弄清楚结构使用有什么问题。



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ar_length 18 //this is the radius max
#define WIDTH 10     //xx width
struct ttall
    int *pnt;
struct xall
    int *pnt;
int main()
    int i;

    int m;

    int *x1;
    int *x2;
    int *x3;
    int *ttThis;
    int rad_size;

    //beginning of the loop
        int radius = 1;
        int size = (2 * radius + 1);
        int size_sqrd = size * size * size;

        struct ttall **tall = malloc(sizeof(struct ttall *));
        struct ttall *struct_pnt = malloc( 3*sizeof(struct ttall));
        struct xall **xx = malloc(sizeof(struct xall *));
        struct xall *xpnt = malloc( 3*sizeof(struct xall));

    for (int radius = 0; radius < 3; radius++)
        //need to increment the pointer to the struct everytime
        xx[radius] = xpnt+radius;
        tall[radius] = struct_pnt+radius;
        int z = -1;
        int t = -radius-2;
        printf("****T*** %d\n",t);
        int rad;
        int meshCount;
        meshCount = (2 * (radius+1) + 1);
        rad_size = (2 * (radius+1) + 1) * (2 * (radius+1) + 1) * (2 * (radius+1) + 1);
        printf("radius size : %d\n",rad_size);
        printf("mesh size : %d\n",meshCount);
        tall[radius]->pnt = malloc(rad_size * sizeof(int));
        xx[radius]->pnt = malloc(rad_size * WIDTH * sizeof(int));
        x1 = malloc(rad_size * sizeof(int));
        x2 = malloc(rad_size * sizeof(int));
        x3 = malloc(rad_size * sizeof(int));

        for (i = 0; i < meshCount; i++)
            for (m = 0; m < meshCount*meshCount; m++)
                x1[z * (meshCount*meshCount) + m] = t;

        //x2 computations
        i = 0;
        m = 0;
        z = 0;
        t = -radius-2;
        int x;

        for (x = 0; x < meshCount; x++)
            for (m = 0; m < meshCount; m++)
                for(int h = 0;h<meshCount;h++){
                int index = meshCount*x+(meshCount*meshCount)*h +m ;
                x2[index] = t;


    //x3 computations
        i = 0;
        m = 0;
        z = 0;
        t = -radius-2;

        for (x = 0; x < meshCount; x++)
            //  t++;
            t = -radius-2;
            for (m = 0; m < meshCount; m++)
                for(int h = 0;h<meshCount;h++){

                int index = meshCount*x+(meshCount*meshCount)*h +m ;
                x3[index] = t;

        // structure initializations and memalocation
        //works fine with expanding radius
        for (m = 0; m < rad_size; m++)
            tall[radius]->pnt[m] = (x1[m] * x1[m]) + (x2[m] * x2[m]) + (x3[m] * x3[m]);

        // doesnt work here 
            m = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < rad_size; i++)
                xx[radius]->pnt[i * WIDTH ] = 1;
                xx[radius]->pnt[i * WIDTH + 1] = x1[i];
                xx[radius]->pnt[i * WIDTH + 2] = x2[i];
                xx[radius]->pnt[i * WIDTH + 3] = x3[i];
                xx[radius]->pnt[i * WIDTH + 4] = x1[i] * x1[i];
                xx[radius]->pnt[i * WIDTH + 5] = x1[i] * x2[i];
                xx[radius]->pnt[i * WIDTH + 6] = x1[i] * x3[i];
                xx[radius]->pnt[i * WIDTH + 7] = x2[i] * x2[i];
                xx[radius]->pnt[i * WIDTH + 8] = x2[i] * x3[i];
                xx[radius]->pnt[i * WIDTH + 9] = x3[i] * x3[i];



    //***testing sum***
// the sum when radius = 1 of xx should be 171 
    int k = 0;
    int sum = 0;
    //can replace 27 with rad_size
    for (k = 0; k < 27*WIDTH; k++)
        sum = sum + abs(xx[0]->pnt[k]);
    printf(" sum xx : %d\n", sum);

    for (int c = 0; c < 27; c++)
        //printf("X2 : %d\n",x3[c]);
        printf("tall : %d\n", tall[1]->pnt[c]);


标签: cstructure


为一个指针struct ttall **tall = malloc(sizeof(struct ttall *));分配空间。

但后来你用它索引它,tall[radius]但半径大于 1。


struct ttall **tall = malloc(3 * sizeof(struct ttall *));`
